- Two players take turns placing their pieces on a 3-by-3 grid (similar to regular tic-tac-toe)
- Player wins if they have 3 claimed squares in a line (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal)
- Player claims square when they are the first to get 2 of their own piece on the square
- Once per game, each player may move twice in a row.
Tic Tac Two analysis (symmetries not removed):
Remote Win Lose Tie Total
18 0 20 0 20
17 568 0 1 569
16 0 2482 75 2557
15 7234 0 1428 8662
14 0 21149 6827 27976
13 38564 0 24433 62997
12 0 90690 74186 164876
11 143504 0 175737 319241
10 0 301409 358704 660113
9 470348 0 557742 1028090
8 0 755458 760417 1515875
7 1307413 0 775593 2083006
6 0 1590872 723568 2314440
5 3088869 0 484852 3573721
4 0 2919959 308808 3228767
3 4744654 0 139236 4883890
2 0 3175931 72784 3248715
1 10171698 0 7456 10179154
0 0 1005144 256 1005400
Total 19972852 9863114 4472103 34308069
10/19/20 (brian): Minor bugfixes to match Prof. Garcia's solution
10/12/20 (brian): Switched to tie-quickly solve, added symmetry and non-symmetry solves to README.
10/3/20 (janise): fixed formatting for output and added capture of current output. will verify correctness and try to optimize -- currently solves in 58 seconds on my computer
10/2/20 (brian): Uploaded own base code, with possible TT2 implementation. No guarantee it actually works, and definetly not efficient.
9/30/20 (janise): uploaded tic tac toe, solver, and Game abstract class to use as base code