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Small GDPR

Simple plugin to cope with GDPR


GitHub clone into /plugins dir:

git clone

OctoberCMS backend

Just look for 'Small GDPR' in search field in:

Settings > Updates & Plugins > Install plugins


Settings > Administrators

You can set permissions to restrict access to Settings > Small plugins > Small GDPR and to messages list.

Quick start guide


  • Install plugin.

  • Go October's settings page and click on GDPR > Cookies.

    • Go to tab Import and click button Import default settings.
    • Go to tab Cookies, add your JS code to cookies group as you need.
  • Go to CMS part of October.

    • Add new Layout (or use your existing)
    • Add component Small GDPR > Cookies bar (inside of your body tag).
  • Go to CMS part of October.

    • Add new Page with URL /gdpr
    • Add component Small GDPR > Manage cookies (inside any of your tags)

Do not forget to add {% scripts %} tag to your layout page just before closing body tag! More info in October docs.

  • Open your website - cookies bar should be visible :)


Tab: Cookies groups

The main idea is to create groups of cookies with JS scripts that you want to run on your website.


When turned on users cannot disable these groups in Manage cookies component and scripts will be always executed.

Default enabled

Scripts in these groups will run without explicit user concent but can be disabled by user (in Manage cookies component).

Be careful not to violate your local laws!

Default checked

Scripts in these groups will not run but in modal window they will be pre-checked.


You can add one or more scripts to selected group

Custom JS code or files

You can add your own JS code and/or files to be executed when a cookies group is allowed (or required).

You can optionally limit scripts execution to production mode.

Run only in production

Script wil be executed only in production environment.


This scripts will never be executed

Run on specific pages

You can limit scripts execution to specific pages URLs.

Tab: Cookies bar

You can edit title and content of cookies bar.

If you want, you can select from pre-defined CSS styles.


You can add one or more buttons to your cookies bar.

Allow all cookies

When turned on, click on this button will set all cookies groups enabled.

Usefull for "Allow all" button on Cookies bar.

Note: Users can change cookies settings later on CMS page with Manage cookies component (like /gdpr) if you create one.

Open modal window

When turned on, click on this button open modal window with list of cookies group.

Currently supported only for Boostrap 3 UI style (can be set on tab Settings).

Tab: Manage cookies

Just add title and content and those will be shown above cookies groups listing in Manage cookies component.

Tab: Settings

Few general settings to be set.

Cookies expiration

Number of days for cookies to live in browser.

UI style

Change formating of output HTML code.

Set cookies for each language

Default is on.

This is required if you use Rainlab Translate plugin and you set up cookies groups for each language with different cookies groups codes.

On the other hand if you have separate languages but same cookies groups codes and you want your visitors not to have consent for each language separately, you can switch this off.

Tab: Import

You can import settings presets from Media your own path or default plugin preset (if you leave all empty).

You have to use YAML format.

Note: Try Export first to get idea of an import file structure.

Tab: Export

You can export current settings data to configuration file and use it as a backup or template for other sites.


Cookies bar

Should be used in your Layouts or Pages.

Hide Cookies bar

If you need to hide Cookies bar on specific Page or Layout, you can use View Bag on your Page this way:

hideCookiesBar = 1

Manage cookies

Put this component to your page with details about privacy (like /gdpr or /cookies).

Manage cookies component can be also added as a snippet to Static Page

Users will be able to change cookies settings.


With component Cookies bar or Manage cookies you can access cookies settings in your Twig code like this:

{% if sgCookies.necessary %}
{% endif %}

My thanks goes to:
OctoberCMS team members and supporters for this great system.
Brooke Cagle for her photo.
Font Awesome for nice icons. OFFLINE for inspiration from his GDPR plugin

Created by Jan Vince, freelance web designer from Czech Republic.