Strongly typed get with lookup. Return type is strongly typed and autocompletion works.
Lookup strongly typed getters known to me had it downsides – either autocompletion didn't work, fallback couldn't be provided or/and array types couldn't be strongly typed. Below you can see how this version fixes those issues.
npm install --save get-by-accessor
Let's say we have fairly simple nested object.
const object = {
prop1: 1,
prop2: {
prop3: 'a',
prop4: {
prop5: true,
prop6: [1, 2, 3],
prop7: [1, 'a', true],
Now let's try to get some nested properties. Of course if any fail, we'll get default fallback.
import get from 'get-by-accessor';
const a = get(object, obj => obj.prop1) // number | null
const b = get(object, obj => obj.prop2.prop3) // string | null
const c = get(object, obj => obj.prop2.prop4.prop5) // boolean | null
Doesn't matter if it's object type or array type. Only downside is, when we have an array of different types – it'll resolve as union type.
const d = get(object, obj => obj.prop2.prop6[0]) // number | null
const e = get(object, obj => obj.prop2.prop7[0]) // number | string | true | null
Since accessor is not array of strings as in other implementations, we can provide fallback which defaults to null
delete object.prop1;
const e = get(object, obj => obj.prop1, true) // number | true
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