I am a software developer at Mercator Digital
I hold a Level 5 Diploma in Full Stack Development with the Code Institute, achieving Distinction.
I also have a Diploma in Graphic Design from The London College UCK, achieving Merit.
Milestone No. | Project | Description | Grade |
1 | TBC | Tooting Boxing Club: A static website designed for an authentic boxing club in Tooting, London. Created using HTML, CSS and Bootstrap. | Distinction |
2 | DCG | DC Games: A game website based on DC's Batman. It consists of a Joker themed hangman game and a Riddler themed multiple choice quiz. Created with HTML, CSS & JavaScript. | Distinction |
3 | RR | Rave Reviews: A website for like minded Drum and Bass enthusiasts to share, review and chat about their favourite raves and sets. Created with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python & Flask. This site uses non-relational DB (mongoDB) and utilises Amazon AWS S3. | Distinction |
4 | PP | Poster Prints: A website for a print company offering various categories of images and different types of prints and posters. A full-stack e-commerce site built with Django and Stripe payments. This site utilises HTML, CSS, JavaScript & Python. It uses a relational DB (elephantSQL) and Amazon AWS S3. | Distinction |
No. | Project | Link | Description |
1 | Rylato Re-design Techincal Challenge | Ryalto Re-Design | Ryalto Re-Design: A static blog page which focus is responsiveness, branding, clean code and an easy to navigate, eye-catching design. |
2 | JavaScript Game Site (personal project) | JavaScript Games | JavaScript Games: A personal game website built to further my knowledge of HTML, CSS & JavaScript. |