A multi-signature wallet crypto wallet that runs on an Ethereum based blockchain.
- React
- Node
- JavaScript
- Solidity
- Material UI
- Truffle
- The MultiSig Quorum & Transfer MVP is a 2-of-3 signature address application.
- Each address that is apart of the quorum can create a transfer by specifying an amount and a recipient.
- Each approved address can also authorize a transfer.
- Each transfer needs two approvals to release and send a payment.
- Any unauthorized address that attempts to perform the actions of a member will be denied
- Funds stored in a multi-sig wallet can be moved only if the multiple signatures are provided at the same time.
- Each signature is generated through the use of a different private keys and designated the right to approve or propose and approve transactions and transfers of funds.
- The most common signature combination is 2-of-3. It means only two signatures are enough to access or perform an operation on the funds of a 3-signature address.
The minimum number of designated addresses that must approve a transfer before it can be sent to a recipient.