Lux ember crud basics
- ember.js // frontend SPA
- node using lux-framework // api
- postgres // database
- sqlite // database for tests
- brew >> nvm >> node (yarn optional)
npm i -g yarn ember lux-framework
run their cli to scaffold a new project
lux new lux-api
cd into the new project
cd lux-api
install database adapters we'll need (sqlite only used for testing)
yarn add sqlite3 pg
or npm install sqlite3 pg --save
install dependancies
or npm install
commit: default project structure
generate resources
lux g resource post author:belongs-to title:string slug:string body:text
lux g resource author posts:has-many name:string
- go in and fix author's has many
inverse name in model
commit: new resources generated
setup postgres connection in api/config/database.js
// get connection props from env
const {
DB_HOST = 'localhost',
DB_PORT = '5432',
DB_USER = 'postgres',
DB_PASS = '',
DB_NAME = 'api_dev'
} = process.env;
// wire up connection properties
development: {
driver: 'pg',
database: DB_NAME,
host: DB_HOST,
port: DB_PORT,
username: DB_USER,
password: DB_PASS
setup CORS
export default {
server: {
cors: {
origin: '*',
enabled: true,
headers: [
methods: [
logging: {
level: 'DEBUG',
format: 'text',
enabled: true,
filter: {
params: []
commit: database and CORS config
lux db:migrate
INSERT INTO "public"."authors"("id", "name", "created_at", "updated_at")
VALUES (1, 'timmy', '2019-03-21 22:26:31-05', NULL);
INSERT INTO "public"."authors"("id", "name", "created_at", "updated_at")
VALUES (2, 'suzie', '2019-03-21 22:26:37-05', NULL);
INSERT INTO "public"."posts"("id", "author_id", "title", "slug", "body", "created_at", "updated_at")
VALUES (2, 1, 'hipster ipsum', 'hipster-ipsum', 'Lorem ipsum dolor amet pug hoodie gluten-free iceland, iPhone disrupt sriracha synth raw denim messenger bag vape. Mlkshk 90''s kale chips vaporware, pug post-ironic selfies live-edge biodiesel art party kombucha. Butcher freegan vaporware, bushwick put a bird on it austin single-origin coffee yr pitchfork lomo. Cold-pressed franzen cornhole flannel cardigan offal, shoreditch sustainable everyday carry. Bitters asymmetrical glossier cardigan try-hard.
', '2019-03-20 23:52:24-05', '2019-03-20 23:52:26-05');
INSERT INTO "public"."posts"("id", "author_id", "title", "slug", "body", "created_at", "updated_at")
VALUES (1, 1, 'pirate ipsum', 'pirate-ipsum', 'Splice the main brace loaded to the gunwalls crack Jennys tea cup landlubber or just lubber ho lass pirate Jack Tar poop deck Shiver me timbers. Quarterdeck bilge rat to go on account league barkadeer gunwalls crimp gabion driver wench. Reef trysail lateen sail main sheet loot bilge barque American Main squiffy bounty.<br>
', '2019-03-20 23:34:29-05', '2019-03-20 23:34:37-05');
INSERT INTO "public"."posts"("id", "author_id", "title", "slug", "body", "created_at", "updated_at")
VALUES (3, 2, 'things', 'things', 'Lorem ipsum dolor amet pug hoodie gluten-free iceland, iPhone disrupt sriracha synth raw denim messenger bag vape. Mlkshk 90''s kale chips vaporware, pug post-ironic selfies live-edge biodiesel art party kombucha. Butcher freegan vaporware, bushwick put a bird on it austin single-origin coffee yr pitchfork lomo. Cold-pressed franzen cornhole flannel cardigan offal, shoreditch sustainable everyday carry. Bitters asymmetrical glossier cardigan try-hard.
', '2019-03-21 23:00:10-05', NULL);
INSERT INTO "public"."posts"("id", "author_id", "title", "slug", "body", "created_at", "updated_at")
VALUES (4, 2, 'other things', 'other-things', 'Splice the main brace loaded to the gunwalls crack Jennys tea cup landlubber or just lubber ho lass pirate Jack Tar poop deck Shiver me timbers. Quarterdeck bilge rat to go on account league barkadeer gunwalls crimp gabion driver wench. Reef trysail lateen sail main sheet loot bilge barque American Main squiffy bounty.<br>
scaffold a new ember app
ember new ember-frontend --yarn
cd into the new project folder
cd ember-frontend
// remove .git folder (presentation only)
rm -rf .git/
commit: ember app generated by ember 3.7.1
generate out matching models to what we created in api
ember g model post author:belongsTo title:string slug:string body:string
ember g model author posts:hasMany name:string
commit: created post and author models
start dev server
yarn start
(calls ember serve
open browser to show default ember app
note general folder structures
lux-api: app/controllers app/models/ app/serializers
ember-frontend: app/models app/routes app/components app/templates
commit: added header to application template
ember g adapter application
update to set the hostname of our api
host: `http://localhost:4000`
commit: created application adapter with api hostname
ember g route index
model() {
return this.get('store').findAll('post');
commit: added index route
ember g component blog-post
move hbs content for post into component template
// index.hbs
add isEditing flag in component js
isEditing: false,
add event handlers to component js
actions: {
toggleEditing() {
this.set('isEditing', !this.get('isEditing'));
saveEdits(post) {;
this.set('isEditing', false);
cancelEdits(post) {
this.set('isEditing', false);
- add hbs conditional on isEditing
commit: add ability to edit post