Circular Collection View along with circular scroll title view.
This component is used for creating a circular collection view along with title in a scroll bar for those collection views. This can be useful for presenting multiple view controllers in one screen in a nice scrollable way.
You can use following command for integrating via cocoapods:
pod 'CircularCollectionView', '~> 1.3'
(This is after 2 mins of integrating the controller.)
1> Import JCECircularCollectionViewController.h into your code.
#import "JCECircularCollectionViewController.h"
2> Initialize JCECircularCollectionViewController
JCECircularCollectionViewController *circularCollectionViewController = [[JCECircularCollectionViewController alloc] init];
3> To show arrow set the show arrow flag and give arrow color.
circularCollectionViewController.showArrow = YES;
circularCollectionViewController.arrowColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
4> Implement the data-source methods
- (NSInteger)numberOfItems {
return <total_number_of_items>;
- (NSString *)circularCollectionViewController:(JCECircularCollectionViewController *)circularCollectionViewController titleForItemAtIndex:(NSInteger)index {
// The title corresponding to the view controller to be presented. These will be shown in a scroll view.
return <title_to_be_displayed>;
- (UIViewController *)circularCollectionViewController:(JCECircularCollectionViewController *)circularCollectionViewController viewControllerForItemAtIndex:(NSInteger)index {
// The view controllers whose view would be presented in the circular collection view.
return <data-view-controller>;
5> That's it. Now you can use circularCollectionViewController as you want.
1> Make it more customizable.