A curated list of remarkable resources related to Runes, a standard for fungible (interchangeable) tokens native to Bitcoin.
- Runes Section @Ordinals handbook - the specification from original inventors of the protocol
- Runes module of ord indexer - The Runes reference implementation in Rust. An index, block explorer, and command-line wallet
- raph or @raphjaph - The current lead maintainer of ord
- erin
- Casey aka rodarmor
- Leonidas - builder of ord.io
- Luminex - with the assistance of these incredible guys @luminexord, @jerryfane, our rune successfully entered the halving block
- BitcoinRune
- RuneMine
- RunesTerminal
- Unisat
- BitBox Rune by BEVM.io
- RunesBridge
- VikingRunes
- BtcToolPro
- RuneToshi
- Runes section @ Ordinals.com - the official instance of ord supported by the ordinals team
- Runes @ordinalsbot.com - same ord indexer supported by ordinalsbot team
- Okx
- UniSat
- OrdinalsWallet - need to select "runes"
- MagicEden - not launched yet
- BtcTool - bubble view on runes activities
- RuneMine - number of runes, #of mints, most minted, recently minted, amount, portfolio
- RuneToshi
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