Releases: jackyaz/spdMerlin
ADDED: Support for armel external speedtest binary - thanks @moonbuggy
FIXED: spdMerlin is now compatible with the updated internal Ookla speedtest binary available in Merlin 388.1 - thanks @Bandsaw12
CHANGED: Script now downloads updates via Scarf Gateway (see bottom of README)
CHANGED: Script now installs LICENSE and README files during install
NEW: Add option to toggle between speedtest binaries
CHANGED: Disable Result URL radios if using built-in binary
FIXED: Use shortform -p instead of --progress (Fix arg parsing in latest ookla built-in in alpha firmware)
NEW: This also bundles an upgrade of the non built-in speedtest to 1.1.1 (release notes below)
* Fixed issue with reported client version in uploaded results
1.1.0 - 10/27/2021
* Use server-side upload measurements
* Performance enhancement on upload tests for CPU constrained devices
* Security enhancements
* Fix for deadlock bug
* Fix crash due to race condition
* Fix crash in hostname resolution during test initialization
* Fix potential buffer overflow
* Update Boost to 1.77.0
* Update mbedTLS to 2.27.0
* Update cURL to 7.78.0
NEW: On routers that support Asus' built-in speedtest, spdMerlin will now use the same binary
CHANGED: service-event hook is more selective when it calls spdMerlin
CHANGED: Licence acceptance is prompted on script install and must be accepted for spdMerlin to be installed.
NEW: Choice of data aggregation for charts in WebUI: raw, hourly and daily
NEW: Speedtest server names and IDs are logged and displayed in recent results tables
NEW: Show output from latest AutoBW run in WebUI
IMPROVED: Use of keyboard keys d,r,l,f for chart functions (drag zoom, reset zoom, toggle lines, toggle fill)
IMPROVED: Use of indexes in database for small performance increases
REMOVED: Setting toggle for raw vs. average
NEW: Configure how long data is kept in the database
NEW: Configure how many recent results are displayed in the WebUI
IMPROVED: CPU intensive tasks are now run with a lower priority to minimise hogging the CPU
IMPROVED: Recent speedtest results table in WebUI is now sortable and scrollable
NEW: Configurable number of speedtests for AutoBW bandwidth calculations
NEW: Logarithmic scale option for charts
NEW: CLI menu shows URL for WebUI page
NEW: CLI commands for "about" and "help"
NEW: spdMerlin can now exclude tests from TraditionalQoS and CakeQoS
NEW: CLI menu option to reset databases
FIXED: Restart firewall and QoS (AutoBW)
FIXED: Correctly display preferred servers in WebUI
IMPROVED: Stale/long-running processes are cleaned up
IMPROVED: Improved handling of speedtest failures
IMPROVED: Ensure that Exclude from QoS is enabled if AutoBW is enabled
IMPROVED: Scheduling of automatic speedtests is now much more flexible. NOTE: previous schedule is lost when updating to this version.
IMPROVED: Update function now includes a prompt rather than applying update
IMPROVED: Use colours in CLI menu to highlight settings
IMPROVED: Use of jQuery to load WebUI dependency files
CHANGED: NTP timeout increased to 10 minutes
CHANGED: Cookie expiry for collapsed sections in WebUI increased from 31 days to 10 years