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Index of Properties


How fast a player lose health while unconscious.

Example 1:
MEDIX_PRP_BLEEDSPEED = 5 // Set the player base bleedspeed to 5% per second.
T:0: Player health: 20% // Player have just become unconscious.
T:1: Player health: 15% // Player lost 5% health.
T:2: Player health: 10% // Player lost 5% health.
T:3: Player health: 5% // Player lost 5% health.
T:4: Player health: DEAD // Player lost 5% health and is dead.

Note: First Aid and Direct Pressure affects the bleedspeed percent.


When stabilized, multiply remaining time with this

Example 1:
MEDIX_PRP_BLEEDSPEED = 5 // Set the player base bleedspeed to 5% per second.
MEDIX_PRP_STABILIZEEFFECT = 2 // Set the first aid to 2x positive effect

T:0: Player health: 20% // Player have just become unconscious. T:1: Player health: 17.5% // Player lost 2.5% health. T:2: Player health: 15% // Player lost 2.5% health. T:3: Player health: 12.5% // Player lost 2.5% health. T:4: Player health: 10% // Player lost 2.5% health

* <sub>First Aid and Direct Pressure affects the final bleedspeed percent. See: [Bleedout](Bleedout)</sub>
* <sub>Formula: (BLEEDSPEED / STABILIZEEFFECT)</sub>


When a soldier have been fully treated, restore health to this percent

100 // Is full health.
50 // Is half health


Losing this amount of health will put you unconscious This variable determines how much damage a soldier can sustain before going unconscious. The value is written in percent of maximum health.

25 // Player becomes unconscious if he loses a quarter of his health
50 // Player becomes unconscious if he loses half of his health
75 // Player becomes unconscious if he loses three quarters of his health


If you have less than this percent health remaining show pulse as "Weak"
If you have more than this percent health remaining show pulse as "Strong"


If you have less than this percent health remaining show pulse as "Extremely Weak"
If you have more than this percent health remaining, see: MEDIX_PRP_PULSEWEAK


How close in meters you need to treat someone

5 // You must be within a 5 meter radius of the wounded soldier to interact
10 // You must be within a 10 meter radius of the wounded soldier to interact


If somebody shoots you in the head, at a distance greater than this variable(meters).
You will have a chance that your helmet deflecting the bullet.


The chance(percent) of your helmet deflecting a bullet

100 // Helmet will always deflect bullets
50 // Helmet will half of the time deflect bullets


The amount of health(percent) lost when helmet deflected a bullet

50 // Half of your health is lost when deflecting a bullet
25 // A quarter of your health is lost when deflecting a bullet.
0 // No health is lost when deflecting a bullet.


When applying direct pressure to wounds, multiply remaining time with this

Example 1:
MEDIX_PRP_BLEEDSPEED = 5 // Set the player base bleedspeed to 5% per second.
MEDIX_PRP_PRESSUREDEFFECT = 2 // Set the direct pressure effect to 2x positive effect

T:0: Player health: 20% // Player have just become unconscious. T:1: Player health: 17.5% // Player lost 2.5% health. T:2: Player health: 15% // Player lost 2.5% health. T:3: Player health: 12.5% // Player lost 2.5% health. T:4: Player health: 10% // Player lost 2.5% health

* <sub>First Aid and Direct Pressure affects the final bleedspeed percent. See: [Bleedout](Bleedout)</sub>
* <sub>Formula: (BLEEDSPEED / PRESSUREDEFFECT)</sub>