- Encoded Archival Description (EAD) 2002 XML format into
- Records in Contexts Ontology 1.1 RDF/XML (1.1 is not yet released!) with the
- XML Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) 1.0.
- Use the stylesheet ead2rico.xsl, which imports all relevant sub-stylesheets.
- Use the stylesheet process-ead-in-oai-envelope.xsl if you extract your data with OAI-PMH, and want to process the raw OAI-response.
The stylesheets are intended to work with any XSLT 1.0 engine.
- Saxon
- libxml2
- The EAD-XML file must refer to the namespace of EAD.
- /ead:ead/ead:archdesc/ead:did/ead:unitid exists, with:
- identifier of the archive as content
- @repositorycode for the repository
The file gives an overview of all EAD-elements and in which imported sub-stylesheet the element is transformed.
I tried to keep the RiC-O mapping simple. This means
- I do not use Proxy-s
- I do not distinguish various Type-s (IdentifierType, RecordSetType, etc.)
- I do not distinguish various Name-s (AgentName, etc.)
- [relates to URI]
- hasOrHadType
- isOrWasIncludedIn
- followsOrFollowed
- hasOrHadInstantiation
- [relates to BNODE]
- hasOrHadIdentifier
- hasOrHadTitle
- hasExtent
- hasAccumulationDate
- hasOrHadMostMembersWithAccumulationDate
- hasOrHadAllMembersWithAccumulationDate
- hasOrHadSomeMembersWithLanguage
- hasOrganicProvenance
- hasOrHadLocation
- hasOrHadHolder
- hasOrHadSubject
- [relates to Literal]
- generalDescription
- scopeAndContent
- history
- conditionsOfAccess
- conditionsOfUse
- recordResourceStructure
- [relates to URI]
- [relates to URI]
- hasOrHadType [= Finding Aid]
- describesOrDescribed
- [relates to BNODE]
- hasCreator
- hasOrHadTitle
- hasPublisher
- hasPublicationDate
- hasOrHadLanguage
- [relates to URI]
- [relates to URI]
- storedAt
- [relates to Literal]
- generalDescription
- [relates to URI]
- Thing
- Agent
- Place
- CorporateBody
- Family
- Type
All might have the same property:
- hasOrHadName
- Identifier
- Name
- Title
- Extent
- Date
- Language
All might have the same properties:
- textualValue
- normalizedValue
Part of this work was commissioned and paid for by:
- Amsterdam City Archives
- International Institute of Social History (Amsterdam)
Ideas and corrections are made in interaction with:
- Triply (Amsterdam)
- Rijksmuseum (Amsterdam)