A simple weather widget built using TypeScript and React that fetches weather data from the OpenWeatherMap API. It also includes a simple web component as an example.
Ensure that you have obtained an API key from OpenWeatherMap before using this widget. You can sign up and get your API key from OpenWeatherMap.
The WeatherWidget component accepts the following props:
apiKey (string): OpenWeatherMap API key.
cityName (string): Name of the city (widget will use the first result in the list).
stateCode (string, optional): State code (for US).
countryCode (string, optional): Country code (ISO3166).
units (standard | metric | imperial, optional): Units of measurement (default: standard).
lang (string, optional): Language (default: en).
Import the WeatherWidget component in your project
import React from 'react';
import { WeatherWidget } from 'weather-widget';
const App = () => {
return (
<h1>Weather in Your City</h1>
cityName="Your City"
export default App;