Welcome to the Kotlin Advanced training!
The training uses IntelliJ with JetBrains Academy plugin. Before starting, please make sure that:
- You have a recent version of IntelliJ (community version is fine).
- JetBrains Academy plugin is installed. If not, go to File → Settings → Plugins → Marketplace and search for "JetBrains Academy".
- You have Java 8+, Java 17 is recommended.
The training is distributed as a ZIP file, that contains all the course contents. Please download the latest course bundle from the GitHub releases page.
You can open the downloaded course bundle via JetBrains Academy plugin. Please follow these steps:
- Open the menu File → Learn and Teach → Browse courses.
- Select My courses (left panel).
- Select Open course from disk... (link in the bottom of the middle panel).
- Select the downloaded ZIP file.
- Click the Start button in the popup. You may also expand the Settings section and select the JDK used for the course.
- The course should open and start the initialization (it may take a while).