MedOps is an Android smartphone application for doctors, nurses, and patients to create a medical community to reduce the deprivation of treatment and health care services. Digital Medical Solutation & Detect Covid19,Pneumonia from chest x-ray image. This app can also detect COVID-19 and Pneumonia from chest x-ray pictures using deep learning convolutional neural networks. We use the VGG-16 model for training and ImageDataGenerator for augmentation. The COVID-19, Pneumonia, and Normal chest X-ray datasets were acquired from Kaggle. 5144 chest X-ray images were used for training, including 460 COVID- 19 photos, 3418 Pneumonia images, and 1266 normal chest X-ray images. 1288 chest X-ray pictures were obtained for testing, including 116 COVID-19 chest X-rays, 855 Pneumonia chest X-rays, and 317 normal chest X-rays. This deep learning model is integrated into the Android app.
MedOps: Figma ui
Forget password If any User Forgot their Passward ,then user can reset passward from there .An email will be sent to the user to the reset there password.
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