Built on Back-end frameworks including:
- Spring MVC (3.2.4.RELEASE)
- Hibernate (4.2.5.Final)
- PostgreSQL
- Maven
- Jetty (6.1.25)
Front-end frameworks including:
- Twitter Bootstrap (3.0.0) and jQuery (1.10.2)
- Backbone.js (1.0.0) and Underscore.js (1.5.2)
... and soon:
- Require.js
- Mustache.js
Please see the current development status of the project here: https://trello.com/b/Mo2khGgC/baselayout
You can find the API documentation here: http://docs.parallelbrainsbaselayout.apiary.io/ A mock API operates at http://parallelbrainsbaselayout.apiary.io/
Contributions are much appreciated! If you want to implement a new feature, please create a new branch off master called feature/your-feature-name and submit a pull request to master when your implementation is done.
- Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/ParallelBrains/Spring-Hibernate-PostgreSQL-Maven-Jetty.git
Download and install PostgreSQL
Download a client to connect to your local PostgreSQL server. A good one is http://www.pgadmin.org/
Create a database called "base"
Add DATABASE_URL as an environment variable. (If for some reason it doesn't work, try hardcoding it on root-context.xml)
export DATABASE_URL=postgres://USERNAME:PASSWORD@localhost:5432/base
- Go to project directory, run
mvn jetty:run
- Go to http://localhost:8080/
Create a Heroku account and download toolbelt
Create an instance on Heroku
heroku create
- Push the code on Heroku
git push heroku master
- Open the app
heroku open
To Nicola Tassini for https://github.com/nicolatassini/Heroku-J2EE-Spring-MVC---Hibernate---PostgreSQL----Maven---Jetty which this project is built upon.