A platform that provides support for writing AWS Lambda Functions using Roc. It can only be used on Linux currently.
See also roc-aws-lambda-runtime, a custom runtime for Lambda written entirely in Roc.
You will need a recent version of Roc and the aws-lambda-rust-runtime installed to compile a Lambda and an AWS account to deploy it in 🚀.
Each function accepts a List U8
as an argument and returns a Task Str Str
. The input will be JSON and the output must be also. If the platform cannot convert the output string into a valid JSON value, it treat it as a JSON string containing the value returned by the Roc app.
Hello world looks like this:
# hello.roc
main : List U8 -> Task Str Str
main = \_ -> Task.ok "Hello, World!"
These are some of the effects the platform supports:
# effects.roc
main : List U8 -> Task Str Str
main = \_ ->
path = Path.fromStr "/tmp/file.txt"
{} <- File.writeUtf8 path "I'm in a file!"
|> Task.mapErr \e -> "Error writing to file: $(Inspect.toStr e)"
|> Task.await
{} <- Stdout.line "Successfully wrote to file" |> Task.await
content <- File.readUtf8 path
|> Task.mapErr \_ -> "Error reading from file"
|> Task.await
{} <- Stdout.line "The file content was \"$(content)\"" |> Task.await
var <- Env.var "SOME_ENV_VAR"
|> Task.mapErr \_ -> "Env var not found"
|> Task.await
{} <- Stdout.line "SOME_ENV_VAR is set to $(var)" |> Task.await
now <- Utc.now |> Task.await
{} <- Stdout.line "The time is $(Utc.toIso8601Str now)" |> Task.await
Http.getUtf8 "https://example.com"
|> Task.mapErr \_ -> "Error fetching page"
This platform can be used to write a function that serves a web app from a Lambda URL:
# webpage.roc
# This type mirrors the JSON that is passed into a Lambda when it is used with an API Gateway or Function URL.
# For our purposes, we only need the rawPath field, but we could add more as needed.
Request : {
rawPath : Str,
main : List U8 -> Task Str Str
main = \bytes ->
when Decode.fromBytes bytes Core.json is
Err _ -> Task.err "I was unable to decode the request into the expected type"
Ok req ->
respond req |> Task.ok
# Generate the JSON response Lambda expects for rendering a web page
respond : Request -> Str
respond = \req ->
serializedHtml =
body req
|> Encode.toBytes Core.json
|> Str.fromUtf8
|> Result.withDefault "Utf8 Error"
{"statusCode": 200,"headers":{"Content-Type": "text/html"},"body":$(serializedHtml)}
# Generate the HTML body to be rendered when a user visits the Function URL for this Lambda
body : Request -> Str
body = \req ->
name =
when Str.split req.rawPath "/" is
[_, n, ..] if !(Str.isEmpty n) -> n
_ -> "world"
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Roc on AWS Lambda</title>
<p>Hello, $(name)!</p>
<p>Try updating the part of the url after .aws</p>
To compile a function, use the included build script:
$ ./build.sh yourfunction.roc
Then you can deploy the Lambda to your AWS account with the deployment script:
$ ./deploy.sh yourfunction arn:aws:iam::{your_account_id}:role/{your_role_name}
or you can manually upload the bootstrap.zip
output by build.sh
to the AWS Console.
PRs are very welcome!
It would be great to have all of these features eventually:
- The ability to compile Lambdas from MacOS.
- A more robust build process.
- A more robust deployment process.
- The ability to use Lambda functions with the local development server provided by the Rust runtime.