IoTknit is part of the IoTempower framework. It allows to easily knit together devices reachable via MQTT (and hopefully later also for classic webrequests and websockets) of a network into an actual IoT system. It is therefore an IoT integration system (similar but much more barebones than Node-RED). It was called initially IntegrIoT since 2017, but that name was also adopted by BM Communications in 2022 and therefor had to be changed to forego any confusion or even potential legal conflicts for this open source project here.
It is a Python module and can be installed to your local Python environment the following way:
Without cloning:
pip install --upgrade git+
After cloning this repo (from the repo directory):
pip install --upgrade .
For building, run:
pip -m build
A simple example how to connect a button node with a switch is here:
from iotknit import *
led1Status = False
init("localhost") # use a MQTT broker on localhost
prefix("led") # all actors below are prefixed with /led
led1 = publisher("led1") # create a Thingi interface that publishes to led/led1
def button1Callback(msg):
global led1Status
print("received: [button]", msg)
if (msg == "down"):
led1Status = not led1Status # toggle status of led
if (led1Status):
led1.publish("set", "on") # publish updated state
print("sending: [led1]", "on")
led1.publish("set", "off")
print("sending: [led1]", "of")
prefix("button") # all sensors below are prefixed with /button
button1 = subscriber("button1") # create a Thingi interface that can have
# subscribes only to button/button1
run() # you can also do a while loop here call process() instead
More examples can be found at: