Basic dotfiles I often use on my systems I use FiraCode NerdFont as default font on my terminal emulators
Modifier is Ctrl-a (like old GNU Screen)
- Rename Session : $
- Rename Window : ,
- Next/Previous Window : n / p
- Split pane Vertically : %
- Split pane Horizontally : "
- Zoom pane : z
- Enter copy mode : [ or Pg-Up
- Auto indent the whole file : gg=G
Toggle NerdTree :
- Bring Node Menu (to add a file) : m
Toggle Ctl-P : ctrl-p
- Swith mode : ctrl-b
- Jump to dir in history (fasd/autojump) : j
- Use sudoedit to edit files in root while keeping vim settings
- Use <CTRL+R> for fuzzy zsh history search
- Use <CTRL+T> for fuzzy find in directories / files
- Word diff : git diff --color-words=.