This package provides a set of most used blocks and layouts for Netgen Layouts for building rich content websites. It is a starting point when installing Netgen Layouts.
Read the installation instructions on how to install the complete Netgen Layouts to your Symfony based app.
As an alternative, you can use the following repositories with Netgen Layouts preinstalled to bootstrap your project:
- Integration with eZ Platform
- Integration with Sylius
- Integration with Contentful
- Integration with Symfony
These are kept uptodate as new versions of 3rd party products are released.
Running tests requires that you have complete vendors installed, so run
composer install
before running the tests.
Run the unit tests by calling composer test
from the repo root:
$ composer test
All code is statically analysed with PHPStan. Make sure that PHPStan is green for the entire codebase after your changes. Run the following two commands to run PHPStan for the library/bundle code and for tests code, respectivelly:
$ composer phpstan
$ composer phpstan-tests
This repo uses PHP CS Fixer and rules defined in .php-cs-fixer.php
file to enforce coding
standards. Please check the code for any CS violations before submitting patches:
$ php-cs-fixer fix