Releases: imjoy-team/imjoy-rpc
Releases · imjoy-team/imjoy-rpc
👷 Continuous Integration
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.20.1 to 5.21.0 (#413) @dependabot
- Bump actions/cache from 3.0.7 to 3.0.8 (#407) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.20.0 to 5.20.1 (#405) @dependabot
- Bump actions/cache from 3.0.6 to 3.0.7 (#403) @dependabot
- Bump actions/cache from 3.0.5 to 3.0.6 (#399) @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-python from 4.1.0 to 4.2.0 (#398) @dependabot
- Bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.5.0 to 1.5.1 (#395) @dependabot
📦 Dependencies
- Bump ipykernel from 6.15.2 to 6.15.3 in /python (#417) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.20.1 to 5.21.0 (#413) @dependabot
- Bump pytest from 7.1.2 to 7.1.3 in /python (#411) @dependabot
- Bump black from 22.6.0 to 22.8.0 in /python (#412) @dependabot
- Bump setuptools from 65.2.0 to 65.3.0 in /python (#410) @dependabot
- Bump ipykernel from 6.15.1 to 6.15.2 in /python (#409) @dependabot
- Bump uvicorn[standard] from 0.18.2 to 0.18.3 in /python (#408) @dependabot
- Bump actions/cache from 3.0.7 to 3.0.8 (#407) @dependabot
- Bump setuptools from 65.0.0 to 65.2.0 in /python (#406) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.20.0 to 5.20.1 (#405) @dependabot
- Bump setuptools from 63.4.2 to 65.0.0 in /python (#404) @dependabot
- Bump actions/cache from 3.0.6 to 3.0.7 (#403) @dependabot
- Bump setuptools from 63.3.0 to 63.4.2 in /python (#401) @dependabot
- Bump flake8 from 5.0.2 to 5.0.4 in /python (#400) @dependabot
- Bump actions/cache from 3.0.5 to 3.0.6 (#399) @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-python from 4.1.0 to 4.2.0 (#398) @dependabot
- Bump setuptools from 63.2.0 to 63.3.0 in /python (#397) @dependabot
- Bump flake8 from 4.0.1 to 5.0.2 in /python (#396) @dependabot
- Bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.5.0 to 1.5.1 (#395) @dependabot
- Bump terser from 4.8.0 to 4.8.1 in /javascript (#393) @dependabot
🪲 Fixes
👷 Continuous Integration
- Bump actions/setup-node from 3.4.0 to 3.4.1 (#387) @dependabot
- Bump actions/cache from 3.0.4 to 3.0.5 (#386) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.19.0 to 5.20.0 (#357) @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-python from 4.0.0 to 4.1.0 (#383) @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-node from 3.3.0 to 3.4.0 (#384) @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-python from 3 to 4.0.0 (#370) @dependabot
- Bump actions/cache from 3.0.3 to 3.0.4 (#369) @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-node from 3.2.0 to 3.3.0 (#368) @dependabot
- Bump actions/cache from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 (#364) @dependabot
- Bump crazy-max/ghaction-github-labeler from 3.1.1 to 4.0.0 (#363) @dependabot
- Bump actions/upload-artifact from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0 (#361) @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-node from 3.1.1 to 3.2.0 (#360) @dependabot
📦 Dependencies
- Bump pytest-asyncio from 0.18.3 to 0.19.0 in /python (#389) @dependabot
- Bump setuptools from 63.1.0 to 63.2.0 in /python (#388) @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-node from 3.4.0 to 3.4.1 (#387) @dependabot
- Bump actions/cache from 3.0.4 to 3.0.5 (#386) @dependabot
- Bump uvicorn[standard] from 0.17.6 to 0.18.2 in /python (#375) @dependabot
- Bump black from 22.3.0 to 22.6.0 in /python (#378) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.19.0 to 5.20.0 (#357) @dependabot
- Bump moment from 2.29.2 to 2.29.4 in /javascript (#385) @dependabot
- Bump zarr from 2.11.3 to 2.12.0 in /python (#376) @dependabot
- Bump parse-url from 6.0.0 to 6.0.2 in /javascript (#381) @dependabot
- Bump ipykernel from 6.15.0 to 6.15.1 in /python (#382) @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-python from 4.0.0 to 4.1.0 (#383) @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-node from 3.3.0 to 3.4.0 (#384) @dependabot
- Bump setuptools from 62.6.0 to 63.1.0 in /python (#377) @dependabot
- Bump ipykernel from 6.14.0 to 6.15.0 in /python (#373) @dependabot
- Bump setuptools from 62.4.0 to 62.6.0 in /python (#374) @dependabot
- Bump ipykernel from 6.13.0 to 6.14.0 in /python (#372) @dependabot
- Bump setuptools from 62.3.2 to 62.4.0 in /python (#371) @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-python from 3 to 4.0.0 (#370) @dependabot
- Bump actions/cache from 3.0.3 to 3.0.4 (#369) @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-node from 3.2.0 to 3.3.0 (#368) @dependabot
- Bump twine from 4.0.0 to 4.0.1 in /python (#367) @dependabot
- Bump msgpack from 1.0.3 to 1.0.4 in /python (#366) @dependabot
- Bump eventsource from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 in /javascript (#365) @dependabot
- Bump actions/cache from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 (#364) @dependabot
- Bump crazy-max/ghaction-github-labeler from 3.1.1 to 4.0.0 (#363) @dependabot
- Bump setuptools from 62.2.0 to 62.3.2 in /python (#362) @dependabot
- Bump actions/upload-artifact from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0 (#361) @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-node from 3.1.1 to 3.2.0 (#360) @dependabot
- Bump setuptools from 62.1.0 to 62.2.0 in /python (#359) @dependabot
🪲 Fixes
- Fix python tests (with new hypha) (#351) @oeway
- Fix seek for elfinder utility function (#349) @oeway
🚨 Testing
👷 Continuous Integration
- Bump actions/checkout from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 (#345) @dependabot
📦 Dependencies
- Bump pytest from 7.1.1 to 7.1.2 in /python (#347) @dependabot
- Bump actions/checkout from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 (#345) @dependabot
🪲 Fixes
👷 Continuous Integration
- Bump actions/checkout from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (#341) @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-node from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1 (#340) @dependabot
- Bump actions/cache from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 (#339) @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-node from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0 (#331) @dependabot
- Bump actions/cache from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (#330) @dependabot
- Bump actions/cache from 2.1.7 to 3.0.0 (#323) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.18.1 to 5.19.0 (#318) @dependabot
- Bump actions/upload-artifact from 2.3.1 to 3.0.0 (#316) @dependabot
- Bump actions/checkout from 2.4.0 to 3 (#314) @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-python from 2.3.2 to 3 (#313) @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-node from 2.5.1 to 3.0.0 (#310) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.18.0 to 5.18.1 (#298) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.17.6 to 5.18.0 (#289) @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-python from 2.3.1 to 2.3.2 (#290) @dependabot
📦 Dependencies
- Bump websockets from 10.2 to 10.3 in /python (#343) @dependabot
- Bump async from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4 in /javascript (#342) @dependabot
- Bump actions/checkout from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (#341) @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-node from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1 (#340) @dependabot
- Bump actions/cache from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 (#339) @dependabot
- Bump setuptools from 62.0.0 to 62.1.0 in /python (#338) @dependabot
- Bump ipykernel from 6.12.1 to 6.13.0 in /python (#336) @dependabot
- Bump zarr from 2.11.1 to 2.11.3 in /python (#337) @dependabot
- Bump moment from 2.24.0 to 2.29.2 in /javascript (#335) @dependabot
- Bump twine from 3.8.0 to 4.0.0 in /python (#333) @dependabot
- Bump ipykernel from 6.10.0 to 6.12.1 in /python (#334) @dependabot
- Bump setuptools from 61.2.0 to 62.0.0 in /python (#332) @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-node from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0 (#331) @dependabot
- Bump actions/cache from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (#330) @dependabot
- Bump ipykernel from 6.9.2 to 6.10.0 in /python (#328) @dependabot
- Bump setuptools from 60.10.0 to 61.2.0 in /python (#327) @dependabot
- Bump pytest-asyncio from 0.18.2 to 0.18.3 in /python (#326) @dependabot
- Bump black from 22.1.0 to 22.3.0 in /python (#329) @dependabot
- Bump actions/cache from 2.1.7 to 3.0.0 (#323) @dependabot
- Bump pytest from 7.1.0 to 7.1.1 in /python (#325) @dependabot
- Bump setuptools from 60.9.3 to 60.10.0 in /python (#324) @dependabot
- Bump zarr from 2.11.0 to 2.11.1 in /python (#322) @dependabot
- Bump ipykernel from 6.9.1 to 6.9.2 in /python (#321) @dependabot
- Bump uvicorn[standard] from 0.17.5 to 0.17.6 in /python (#320) @dependabot
- Bump pytest from 7.0.1 to 7.1.0 in /python (#319) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.18.1 to 5.19.0 (#318) @dependabot
- Bump pytest-asyncio from 0.18.1 to 0.18.2 in /python (#317) @dependabot
- Bump actions/upload-artifact from 2.3.1 to 3.0.0 (#316) @dependabot
- Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.21 in /javascript (#264) @dependabot
- Bump url-parse from 1.5.4 to 1.5.10 in /javascript (#312) @dependabot
- Bump postcss from 6.0.23 to 7.0.36 in /javascript (#311) @dependabot
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.14.7 to 1.14.8 in /javascript (#303) @dependabot
- Bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 in /javascript (#218) @dependabot
- Bump karma from 6.3.12 to 6.3.16 in /javascript (#315) @dependabot
- Bump actions/checkout from 2.4.0 to 3 (#314) @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-python from 2.3.2 to 3 (#313) @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-node from 2.5.1 to 3.0.0 (#310) @dependabot
- Bump websockets from 10.1 to 10.2 in /python (#308) @dependabot
- Bump uvicorn[standard] from 0.17.4 to 0.17.5 in /python (#307) @dependabot
- Bump ipykernel from 6.9.0 to 6.9.1 in /python (#305) @dependabot
- Bump setuptools from 60.9.0 to 60.9.3 in /python (#309) @dependabot
- Bump pytest from 7.0.0 to 7.0.1 in /python (#302) @dependabot
- Bump setuptools from 60.8.1 to 60.9.0 in /python (#301) @dependabot
- Bump pytest-asyncio from 0.18.0 to 0.18.1 in /python (#300) @dependabot
- Bump pytest from 6.2.5 to 7.0.0 in /python (#296) @dependabot
- Bump setuptools from 60.6.0 to 60.8.1 in /python (#295) @dependabot
- Bump pytest-asyncio from 0.17.2 to 0.18.0 in /python (#294) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.18.0 to 5.18.1 (#298) @dependabot
- Bump zarr from 2.10.3 to 2.11.0 in /python (#297) @dependabot
- Bump ipykernel from 6.7.0 to 6.9.0 in /python (#293) @dependabot
- Bump twine from 3.7.1 to 3.8.0 in /python (#292) @dependabot
- Bump uvicorn[standard] from 0.17.1 to 0.17.4 in /python (#291) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.17.6 to 5.18.0 (#289) @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-python from 2.3.1 to 2.3.2 (#290) @dependabot