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CacheTest edited this page Jun 23, 2022 · 1 revision
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Countable, PHPUnit\Framework\Test, PHPUnit\Framework\SelfDescribing, PHPUnit\Framework\Reorderable




Name Description

Inherited methods

Name Description
__construct -
addToAssertionCount -
addWarning -
any Returns a matcher that matches when the method is executed
zero or more times.
anything -
arrayHasKey -
assertArrayHasKey Asserts that an array has a specified key.
assertArrayNotHasKey Asserts that an array does not have a specified key.
assertClassHasAttribute Asserts that a class has a specified attribute.
assertClassHasStaticAttribute Asserts that a class has a specified static attribute.
assertClassNotHasAttribute Asserts that a class does not have a specified attribute.
assertClassNotHasStaticAttribute Asserts that a class does not have a specified static attribute.
assertContains Asserts that a haystack contains a needle.
assertContainsEquals -
assertContainsOnly Asserts that a haystack contains only values of a given type.
assertContainsOnlyInstancesOf Asserts that a haystack contains only instances of a given class name.
assertCount Asserts the number of elements of an array, Countable or Traversable.
assertDirectoryDoesNotExist Asserts that a directory does not exist.
assertDirectoryExists Asserts that a directory exists.
assertDirectoryIsNotReadable Asserts that a directory exists and is not readable.
assertDirectoryIsNotWritable Asserts that a directory exists and is not writable.
assertDirectoryIsReadable Asserts that a directory exists and is readable.
assertDirectoryIsWritable Asserts that a directory exists and is writable.
assertDirectoryNotExists Asserts that a directory does not exist.
assertDirectoryNotIsReadable Asserts that a directory exists and is not readable.
assertDirectoryNotIsWritable Asserts that a directory exists and is not writable.
assertDoesNotMatchRegularExpression Asserts that a string does not match a given regular expression.
assertEmpty Asserts that a variable is empty.
assertEqualXMLStructure Asserts that a hierarchy of DOMElements matches.
assertEquals Asserts that two variables are equal.
assertEqualsCanonicalizing Asserts that two variables are equal (canonicalizing).
assertEqualsIgnoringCase Asserts that two variables are equal (ignoring case).
assertEqualsWithDelta Asserts that two variables are equal (with delta).
assertFalse Asserts that a condition is false.
assertFileDoesNotExist Asserts that a file does not exist.
assertFileEquals Asserts that the contents of one file is equal to the contents of another
assertFileEqualsCanonicalizing Asserts that the contents of one file is equal to the contents of another
file (canonicalizing).
assertFileEqualsIgnoringCase Asserts that the contents of one file is equal to the contents of another
file (ignoring case).
assertFileExists Asserts that a file exists.
assertFileIsNotReadable Asserts that a file exists and is not readable.
assertFileIsNotWritable Asserts that a file exists and is not writable.
assertFileIsReadable Asserts that a file exists and is readable.
assertFileIsWritable Asserts that a file exists and is writable.
assertFileNotEquals Asserts that the contents of one file is not equal to the contents of
another file.
assertFileNotEqualsCanonicalizing Asserts that the contents of one file is not equal to the contents of another
file (canonicalizing).
assertFileNotEqualsIgnoringCase Asserts that the contents of one file is not equal to the contents of another
file (ignoring case).
assertFileNotExists Asserts that a file does not exist.
assertFileNotIsReadable Asserts that a file exists and is not readable.
assertFileNotIsWritable Asserts that a file exists and is not writable.
assertFinite Asserts that a variable is finite.
assertGreaterThan Asserts that a value is greater than another value.
assertGreaterThanOrEqual Asserts that a value is greater than or equal to another value.
assertInfinite Asserts that a variable is infinite.
assertInstanceOf Asserts that a variable is of a given type.
assertIsArray Asserts that a variable is of type array.
assertIsBool Asserts that a variable is of type bool.
assertIsCallable Asserts that a variable is of type callable.
assertIsClosedResource Asserts that a variable is of type resource and is closed.
assertIsFloat Asserts that a variable is of type float.
assertIsInt Asserts that a variable is of type int.
assertIsIterable Asserts that a variable is of type iterable.
assertIsNotArray Asserts that a variable is not of type array.
assertIsNotBool Asserts that a variable is not of type bool.
assertIsNotCallable Asserts that a variable is not of type callable.
assertIsNotClosedResource Asserts that a variable is not of type resource.
assertIsNotFloat Asserts that a variable is not of type float.
assertIsNotInt Asserts that a variable is not of type int.
assertIsNotIterable Asserts that a variable is not of type iterable.
assertIsNotNumeric Asserts that a variable is not of type numeric.
assertIsNotObject Asserts that a variable is not of type object.
assertIsNotReadable Asserts that a file/dir exists and is not readable.
assertIsNotResource Asserts that a variable is not of type resource.
assertIsNotScalar Asserts that a variable is not of type scalar.
assertIsNotString Asserts that a variable is not of type string.
assertIsNotWritable Asserts that a file/dir exists and is not writable.
assertIsNumeric Asserts that a variable is of type numeric.
assertIsObject Asserts that a variable is of type object.
assertIsReadable Asserts that a file/dir is readable.
assertIsResource Asserts that a variable is of type resource.
assertIsScalar Asserts that a variable is of type scalar.
assertIsString Asserts that a variable is of type string.
assertIsWritable Asserts that a file/dir exists and is writable.
assertJson Asserts that a string is a valid JSON string.
assertJsonFileEqualsJsonFile Asserts that two JSON files are equal.
assertJsonFileNotEqualsJsonFile Asserts that two JSON files are not equal.
assertJsonStringEqualsJsonFile Asserts that the generated JSON encoded object and the content of the given file are equal.
assertJsonStringEqualsJsonString Asserts that two given JSON encoded objects or arrays are equal.
assertJsonStringNotEqualsJsonFile Asserts that the generated JSON encoded object and the content of the given file are not equal.
assertJsonStringNotEqualsJsonString Asserts that two given JSON encoded objects or arrays are not equal.
assertLessThan Asserts that a value is smaller than another value.
assertLessThanOrEqual Asserts that a value is smaller than or equal to another value.
assertMatchesRegularExpression Asserts that a string matches a given regular expression.
assertNan Asserts that a variable is nan.
assertNotContains Asserts that a haystack does not contain a needle.
assertNotContainsEquals -
assertNotContainsOnly Asserts that a haystack does not contain only values of a given type.
assertNotCount Asserts the number of elements of an array, Countable or Traversable.
assertNotEmpty Asserts that a variable is not empty.
assertNotEquals Asserts that two variables are not equal.
assertNotEqualsCanonicalizing Asserts that two variables are not equal (canonicalizing).
assertNotEqualsIgnoringCase Asserts that two variables are not equal (ignoring case).
assertNotEqualsWithDelta Asserts that two variables are not equal (with delta).
assertNotFalse Asserts that a condition is not false.
assertNotInstanceOf Asserts that a variable is not of a given type.
assertNotIsReadable Asserts that a file/dir exists and is not readable.
assertNotIsWritable Asserts that a file/dir exists and is not writable.
assertNotNull Asserts that a variable is not null.
assertNotRegExp Asserts that a string does not match a given regular expression.
assertNotSame Asserts that two variables do not have the same type and value.
assertNotSameSize Assert that the size of two arrays (or Countable or Traversable objects)
is not the same.
assertNotTrue Asserts that a condition is not true.
assertNull Asserts that a variable is null.
assertObjectEquals -
assertObjectHasAttribute Asserts that an object has a specified attribute.
assertObjectNotHasAttribute Asserts that an object does not have a specified attribute.
assertRegExp Asserts that a string matches a given regular expression.
assertSame Asserts that two variables have the same type and value.
assertSameSize Assert that the size of two arrays (or Countable or Traversable objects)
is the same.
assertStringContainsString -
assertStringContainsStringIgnoringCase -
assertStringEndsNotWith Asserts that a string ends not with a given suffix.
assertStringEndsWith Asserts that a string ends with a given suffix.
assertStringEqualsFile Asserts that the contents of a string is equal
to the contents of a file.
assertStringEqualsFileCanonicalizing Asserts that the contents of a string is equal
to the contents of a file (canonicalizing).
assertStringEqualsFileIgnoringCase Asserts that the contents of a string is equal
to the contents of a file (ignoring case).
assertStringMatchesFormat Asserts that a string matches a given format string.
assertStringMatchesFormatFile Asserts that a string matches a given format file.
assertStringNotContainsString -
assertStringNotContainsStringIgnoringCase -
assertStringNotEqualsFile Asserts that the contents of a string is not equal
to the contents of a file.
assertStringNotEqualsFileCanonicalizing Asserts that the contents of a string is not equal
to the contents of a file (canonicalizing).
assertStringNotEqualsFileIgnoringCase Asserts that the contents of a string is not equal
to the contents of a file (ignoring case).
assertStringNotMatchesFormat Asserts that a string does not match a given format string.
assertStringNotMatchesFormatFile Asserts that a string does not match a given format string.
assertStringStartsNotWith Asserts that a string starts not with a given prefix.
assertStringStartsWith Asserts that a string starts with a given prefix.
assertThat Evaluates a PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint matcher object.
assertTrue Asserts that a condition is true.
assertXmlFileEqualsXmlFile Asserts that two XML files are equal.
assertXmlFileNotEqualsXmlFile Asserts that two XML files are not equal.
assertXmlStringEqualsXmlFile Asserts that two XML documents are equal.
assertXmlStringEqualsXmlString Asserts that two XML documents are equal.
assertXmlStringNotEqualsXmlFile Asserts that two XML documents are not equal.
assertXmlStringNotEqualsXmlString Asserts that two XML documents are not equal.
at Returns a matcher that matches when the method is executed
at the given index.
atLeast Returns a matcher that matches when the method is executed
at least N times.
atLeastOnce Returns a matcher that matches when the method is executed at least once.
atMost Returns a matcher that matches when the method is executed
at most N times.
callback -
classHasAttribute -
classHasStaticAttribute -
containsEqual -
containsIdentical -
containsOnly -
containsOnlyInstancesOf -
count -
countOf -
dataName -
directoryExists -
doesNotPerformAssertions -
doubledTypes -
equalTo -
equalToCanonicalizing -
equalToIgnoringCase -
equalToWithDelta -
exactly Returns a matcher that matches when the method is executed
exactly $count times.
expectDeprecation -
expectDeprecationMessage -
expectDeprecationMessageMatches -
expectError -
expectErrorMessage -
expectErrorMessageMatches -
expectException -
expectExceptionCode -
expectExceptionMessage -
expectExceptionMessageMatches -
expectExceptionObject Sets up an expectation for an exception to be raised by the code under test.
expectNotToPerformAssertions -
expectNotice -
expectNoticeMessage -
expectNoticeMessageMatches -
expectOutputRegex -
expectOutputString -
expectWarning -
expectWarningMessage -
expectWarningMessageMatches -
fail Fails a test with the given message.
fileExists -
getActualOutput -
getActualOutputForAssertion -
getCount Return the current assertion count.
getDataSetAsString -
getExpectedException -
getExpectedExceptionCode -
getExpectedExceptionMessage -
getExpectedExceptionMessageRegExp -
getGroups -
getMockBuilder Returns a builder object to create mock objects using a fluent interface.
getName -
getNumAssertions Returns the number of assertions performed by this test.
getProvidedData Gets the data set of a TestCase.
getResult -
getSize Returns the size of the test.
getStatus -
getStatusMessage -
getTestResultObject -
greaterThan -
greaterThanOrEqual -
hasExpectationOnOutput -
hasFailed -
hasOutput -
hasSize -
identicalTo -
isEmpty -
isFalse -
isFinite -
isInIsolation -
isInfinite -
isInstanceOf -
isJson -
isLarge -
isMedium -
isNan -
isNull -
isReadable -
isSmall -
isTrue -
isType -
isWritable -
lessThan -
lessThanOrEqual -
logicalAnd -
logicalNot -
logicalOr -
logicalXor -
markAsRisky -
markTestIncomplete Mark the test as incomplete.
markTestSkipped Mark the test as skipped.
matches -
matchesRegularExpression -
never Returns a matcher that matches when the method is never executed.
objectEquals -
objectHasAttribute -
onConsecutiveCalls -
once Returns a matcher that matches when the method is executed exactly once.
provides Returns the normalized test name as class::method.
registerComparator -
registerMockObject -
requires Returns a list of normalized dependency names, class::method.
resetCount Reset the assertion counter.
returnArgument -
returnCallback -
returnSelf Returns the current object.
returnValue -
returnValueMap -
run Runs the test case and collects the results in a TestResult object.
runBare -
setBackupGlobals -
setBackupStaticAttributes -
setBeStrictAboutChangesToGlobalState -
setDependencies -
setDependencyInput -
setGroups -
setInIsolation -
setName -
setOutputCallback -
setPreserveGlobalState -
setRegisterMockObjectsFromTestArgumentsRecursively -
setResult -
setRunClassInSeparateProcess -
setRunTestInSeparateProcess -
setTestResultObject -
setUpBeforeClass This method is called before the first test of this test class is run.
sortId -
stringContains -
stringEndsWith -
stringStartsWith -
tearDownAfterClass This method is called after the last test of this test class is run.
throwException -
toString Returns a string representation of the test case.
usesDataProvider -



 testPurgeCache (void)


This function has no parameters.

Return Values




 testPurgeCacheStatus (void)


This function has no parameters.

Return Values




 testPurgeCacheStatusWithMissingCacheRequestId (void)


This function has no parameters.

Return Values




 testPurgeCacheWithInvalidImageURL (void)


This function has no parameters.

Return Values




 testPurgeCacheWithMissingImageURL (void)


This function has no parameters.

Return Values
