is an awesome tool that lets you control any remote Docker host. It works by declaring a set of environment variables (such as DOCKER_HOST
) that are used by the Docker client. It is, however, easy to: a) forget if you have set up the Docker environment in your terminal, b) forget which machine you are controlling in case you do remember the latter.
To overcome this potential problems, this script provides a hint of the Docker host you are using in your command prompt – based on an original idea by Jim Myhrberg.
Clone the repository into the ~/.bash
directory (or any other location you prefer):
mkdir -p ~/.bash; cd ~/.bash; git clone git://
Edit your ~/.profile
or ~/.bash_profile
and add the following lines:
source ~/.bash/docker-aware-prompt/
export PS1="\u@\h\[$txtcyn\]\$prompt_docker_machine\[$txtrst\] \w \$ "
Restart your terminal, or run source ~/.profile
or source ~/.bash_profile
to start using your Docker aware prompt right away.
## Notes
The suggested prompt assumes you have a UTF-8 enabled terminal. Should you want your prompt to remain ASCII-compatible, edit the find_docker_machine
function in the
Copyright (C) 2014 Jim Myhrberg.
Otherwise, published under the terms of the MIT License (MIT).