Reseek is a protein structure search and alignment algorithm which improves sensitivity in protein homolog detection compared to state-of-the-art methods including DALI, TM-align and Foldseek with improved speed over Foldseek, the fastest previous method.
Reseek is based on sequence alignment where each residue in the protein backbone is represented by a letter in a novel “mega-alphabet” of 85,899,345,920 (∼1011) distinct states.
Method sensitivity was measured on the SCOP40 benchmark using superfamily as the truth standard, focusing on the regime with false-positive error rates <10 per query, corresponding to E<10 for an ideal E-value.
Commands -search # Alignment (e.g. DB search, pairwise, all-vs-all) -convert # Convert file formats (e.g. create DB) Search against database reseek -search STRUCTS -db STRUCTS -output hits.txt # STRUCTS specifies structure(s), see below Recommended format for large database is .bca, e.g. reseek -convert /data/PDB_mirror/ -bca PDB.bca Align two structures reseek -search 1XYZ.pdb -db 2ABC.pdb -aln aln.txt All-vs-all alignment (excluding self-hits) reseek -search STRUCTS -output hits.txt Output options for -search -aln FILE # Alignments in human-readable format -output FILE # Hits in tabbed text format -columns name1+name2+name3... # Output columns, names are # query Query label # target Target label # qlo Start of aligment in query # qhi End of aligment in query # tlo Start of aligment in target # thi End of aligment in target # ql Query length # tl Target length # pctid Percent identity of alignment # cigar CIGAR string # evalue You can guess this one # qrow Aligned query sequence with gaps (local) # trow Aligned target sequence with gaps (local) # qrowg Aligned query sequence with gaps (global) # trowg Aligned target sequence with gaps (global) # std query+target+qlo+qhi+ql+tlo+thi+tl+pctid+evalue # default evalue+query+target Search and alignment options -sensitive # Try harder (~3x slower, not much better) -evalue E # Max E-value (default 10) -omega X # Omega accelerator (floating-point) -minu U # K-mer accelerator (integer) -gapopen X # Gap-open penalty (floating-point >= 0) -gapext X # Gap-extend penalty (floating-point >= 0) -dbsize D # DB size (nr. chains) for E-value (default actual size) Convert between file formats reseek -convert STRUCTS [one or more output options] -cal FILENAME # .cal format, text with a.a. and C-alpha x,y,z -bca FILENAME # .bca format, binary .cal, recommended for DBs -fasta FILENAME # FASTA format STRUCTS argument is one of: NAME.cif or NAME.mmcif # PDBx/mmCIF file NAME.pdb # Legacy format PDB file # C-alpha tabbed text format with chain(s) NAME.bca # Binary C-alpha, recommended for larger DBs NAME.files # Text file with one STRUCT per line, # may be filename, directory or .files DIRECTORYNAME # Directory (and its sub-directories) is searched # for known file types including .pdb, .files etc. Other options: -log FILENAME # Log file with errors, warnings, time and memory. -threads N # Number of threads, default number of CPU cores.
Edgar, Robert C. (2024) "Sequence alignment using large protein structure alphabets improves sensitivity to remote homologs"