Check out the blog 👉 here
- markdown with latex support
- extendable with Remark/Rehype plugins
- bare html/css syntax
- minimal client side JS
- no color flickering or layout shift
- dark/light theme switch
- code syntax highlighting
- smooth page transitions
Astro framework seems to satisfy these criteria. It provides out-of-the-box support for markdown. It also automatically scopes styles to components by coming-up with class-names so once can write bare css in a component without worrying to affect global styles.
- Add OpenGraph (ogImage) image generation
- Add buttons next / prev post in the bottom of the post
- Add changelog as posts frontmatter array property
. Make dateUpdated been the last change date. Changelog section should be added to the end of the post through the post layout. - Add search (can wait till I have ~10 posts)
- Add sort posts by datePublished or dateModified button. Default is datePublished
- Add the comment section (not sure if I need this)
- Alight Shiki code blocks background with the theme
- Automatic broken links checker?
- Better Markdown footnotes styling
- Citations management using BibTeX
- Improve light theme colors for accessibility and validate at
- Convert colors to HSL & refine the palette
- Each post with within its folder with corresponding assets instead of a single folder with all the images
- Estimated reading time (still thinking if this is needed)
- Fix: Images in MD should be properly wrapped into
with child<figcaption>
. Probably need a rehype plugin. - Fix: large tables cannot overflow. Need to wrap tables into a div with
overflow-x: auto
. This is a common practice on Wikipedia. Use a Rehype plugin - Fix: low resolution favicon in google the search results
- Fix: remark-toc should not remove a paragraph following the "Table of contents" without its own title
- Images auto-numbering for referencing (fig. 1, fig. 2, etc.)
- Improve CSS tree-shaking
- Migrate code snippets to expressive-code Astro plugin to avoid adding copy button to the client-side JS
- Pagination for when having many posts
- Proper post tags page (wait till there are more posts)
- Publish lighthouse scores
- Remove all hardcoded css values and use css variables instead
- Remove unused CSS variables
- Scroll-to-top button
- Uniform border-radiuses and reduce number of different ones
- Automatic Table of contents
- Error 404 page
- LaTeX equations syntax support
- Light/Dark mode switch without color flickering on page load
- SEO tags
- Setup auto-deploy on push to main
- Sitemap
Return headers are usually well defined by the providers like Netlify or Vercel. However, if you need to specify custom headers, you can do it in the _headers
file. For example, to specify a custom header for the RSS feed, you can add the following line to the _headers
Cache-Control: public, max-age=3600
Set 1h cache age through Cache-Control
for not frequently updated blogs to avoid sur-charging rss feed apps.
For all other pages X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
is set to prevent clickjacking. X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
to prevent MIME type sniffing. Referrer-Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin
to prevent leaking of the referrer to other sites.
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Referrer-Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin
These values are set by default by most providers, but we can specify it here to make it more explicit.
The color palette is defined int /src/styles/themes.css
. It is designed with a goal of simplicity and smallest necessary number of colors.
It's possible to mage this pallet even smaller by removing the --color-txt-highlight
color and managing links hover highlight by the opacity
Hoverer, in practice reducing the opacity works well only for the primary text color. For the secondary low-contrast text --color-txt-secondary
the best is to increase the lightness, which is the opposite to the decrease opacity.
Here the following methodology of color picking was used:
- Roughly pick tones in the RGB space. RGB is help for reasoning about color temperature more red is warmer, more blue is colder.
- Convert the RGB to HSL (or OKLCH with you work with wider gamut) and fine-tune the lightness and chroma.
This worked well mainly because this is almost the B&W theme. Slight nuances or blue or red set the mood. For themes with many colors, it would be better to start directly with HSL or OKLCH.