Python modules that measure the details of CPU and Memory usages of new released CMS software
- My contribution (stat: 2019.6 , end: 2021.2)
- Past website: http://jiwoong.web.cern.ch/jiwoong/
- Current working repository from Bongho Tae: https://github.com/xoqhdgh1002/cms-reco-profiling-web
- Current website :http://cms-reco-profiling.web.cern.ch/cms-reco-profiling/web/
- Current references : https://github.com/cms-cmpwg, https://github.com/jpata/cms-reco-profiling-web
- Gen_tool/Gen.sh can setup working-directory: CMSSW_X_X_X
$ ./Gen.sh CMSSW_X_X_X
- The directory includes cmdLog, igprof_cpu/porfile.sh , igprof_mem_step3/profile_v2.sh, igprof_mem_step4/profile_v2.sh, logs files
- You can generate events of all datatier using cmdLog files
- This is the sample of cmdLog file: http://jiwoong.web.cern.ch/jiwoong/results/phase2/cmdlog_CMSSW_11_1_0_pre3
- 100 events are generated
- I use multi threading only in step1 and step2 to save time
- --customise=Validation/Performance/TimeMemoryInfo.py option can make time and memory information in logfiles ( step3.log, step4.log )
- step3.log and step4.log are also used in analysis
- --customise HLTrigger/Timer/FastTimer.customise_timer_service_singlejob option is needed for making Circle Piechart
- Do not use the customise=Validation/Performance/TimeMemoryInfo.py with customise HLTrigger/Timer/FastTimer.customise_timer_service_singlejob simultaneously. This can occur interference.
- First, you should add the following lines to config file:
from Validation.Performance.IgProfInfo import customise
process = customise(process)
- Gen_tool/runall_cpu.sh can monitoring cpu usage and make igprof_cpu/igProf.N.gz output
- Gen_tool/runall_mem.sh can monitoring memory usage and make igprof_mem_stepN/igProd.N.gd output
- You can make sql3 and res file from igprof_cpu/profile.sh and igprof_mem_stepN/profile_v2.sh. Just run!
- .sql3 file is used in web-based reports (ex https://jiwoong.web.cern.ch/jiwoong/cgi-bin/igprof-navigator/igprofCPU_CMSSW_11_2_0_pre6PAT )
- .res file is used in Ascii-based report (ex https://jiwoong.web.cern.ch/jiwoong/results/phase2/RES_11_2_0_preX/pre6/RES_PAT_CPU_CMSSW_11_2_0_pre6.res )
- Go to Analyze_tool directory
- Circle plot: Reference
- First, add the following lines in cmdlog and re-run it
--customise HLTrigger/Timer/FastTimer.customise_timer_service_singlejob
- Add the following lines in config files:
# customisation of the process.
process.load( "HLTrigger.Timer.FastTimerService_cfi")
process.FastTimerService.writeJSONSummary = cms.untracked.bool(True)
process.FastTimerService.jsonFileName = cms.untracked.string('resources_RECO_11_2_0_pre11.json')
- Clone the Reference to your www directory in LXPLUS server
- copy the OUTPUT_NAME.json to circles/web/data
- Following html link can show the Piechart
- Please do not use the ".json" in this link. Just write the name of Json file.