In this project, you will use a Database Management System to create and manipulate a very small database system for a library
We need to store information about different types of employees (Managers, Workers), Library Branches in different colleges , Students, Books, Publisher (Books details such as ISBN, author, published date, publisher name and address). Borrow information (Books ISBM, students who borrows it, borrow date and due date , an employee who give the books to the borrowers, ... etc). Other requirements are as follows:
- An employee can be either a worker or a manager.
- A library has different branches distributed in colleges (Computer School Library, Eng. School libraries, ... etc).
- These branches must have only one manager and can have either one or multiple employees.
- Each branch contains books related to the school.
- Only students can borrow books and the borrow process must be approved by a worker.
- A student can borrow any books but a book can’t be borrowed if all copies of that book are reserved.
- A student can perform two actions:
- Reserve a book and this must include the borrow information such as (ISBN, Borrow date, Due Date, Branch number, the employee who approve it)
- Return a book and that might include all the information related to the returning process.
- Students who did not return books should be listed in the black list and they can not borrow any books within 30 days.
- Author(author_ID, author_name, address)
- Book(ISBN, book_name, published_date, publisher_name, copies, branch_ID )
- Borrow(ISBN, student_ID, approved_by, borrow_date, return_date )
- Branch(branch_ID, branch_name, college)
- Employee(Emp_ID, first_name, last_name, email, address, job_title, date_of_birth, start_date, last_date, phone, branch_ID )
- Student(student_ID, first_name, last_name, date_of_birth, phone, address, college, department)
- Published_by(SBN, author_ID)
use library;
- Given a student ID, list all the books borrowed by that student.
select book_name as "the books borrowed by 18101" from Book, Student, Borrow
where ( Book.ISBN = Borrow.ISBN and Borrow.student_ID = Student.student_ID )
and ( Student.student_ID = "18101" ) ;
- Find the student whose names start with 'J', order by their firstName and lastName
select first_name,last_name from Student
where first_name like "J%"
order by first_name , last_name ;
- List number of books that are alrady in the system grouped by colleges
select college , count(*) as "number of book"
from Book, Branch
where ( Book.branch_ID = Branch.branch_ID )
group by college;
- Find all books wihch exists in the Computer Science School
select book_name as "books in Computer School Library"
from Book, Branch
where (Book.branch_ID = Branch.branch_ID )
and college = "Computer";
- List the name and specialty of all the employees who live in Madinah and worked or have been working fro 1 year in this library
select first_name, last_name, job_title, address
from Employee
where ( address = "Madinah" )
or ((datediff(current_date,start_date) >= 365)
or (datediff(last_date,start_date) >= 365));
- List the names of students how are currently in the blacklist
select Student.student_ID as "Students ID in the blacklist",
first_name as "First name", last_name as "Last name"
from Student , Borrow
where (Student.student_ID = Borrow.student_ID)
and return_date = "NOT YET"
and datediff(current_date,borrow_date) > 30 ;
- List the books with the maximum number of borrowers
select book_name as "Book name" , count(Borrow.student_ID) as "number of borrow"
from Book, Borrow
where Book.ISBN = Borrow.ISBN
group by Book.ISBN
having count(*) >= all (
select count(*)
from Borrow
group by ISBN
- List the total number of books from each publishers only for those publishers with more than 3 books in the library
select author_name, count(Author.Author_ID) as "number of book"
from Author, published_by
where Author.author_ID = published_by.author_ID
group by (Author.author_ID)
having count(Author.Author_ID) > 3;
- Given a ISBN, compute the total number of borrows for the book in this library
select book_name , count(*) as "number of borrow"
from Book, Borrow
where Book.ISBN = Borrow.ISBN
and Book.ISBN = 1254789630987;
- List all books which are borrowed in January
select book_name from Book, Borrow
where Book.ISBN = Borrow.ISBN
and month(borrow_date) = 1;
- List all books which are returned to the library
select book_name
from book, borrow
where Book.ISBN = borrow.ISBN
and return_date != "NOT YET";
- Find the top 5 borrowed books in the library
select book_name, count(*)
from Book, Borrow
where book.ISBN = Borrow.ISBN
group by book.ISBN
order by count(Book.ISBN) desc limit 5;
- Name of books authored by more than one author
select book_name,count(*)
from Book,Author, Published_by
where(( Published_by.author_ID = Author.author_id and Book.ISBN = Published_by.ISBN )
and ( ( author_name = "Steven E." ) or (author_name = "David M.")) )
group by book_name
having count(*) > 1 ;
- Given the ISBN, the authors of this book
select Author.author_name
from Book,Author, Published_by
where(( Published_by.author_ID = Author.author_id and Book.ISBN = Published_by.ISBN )
and ( Book.ISBN = 9780071789714 ) ) ;
- Copies of which are not returned
select Book.ISBN, book_name, copies, (copies - count(*)) as "current number of copies"
from Book, Borrow
where (Book.ISBN = Borrow.ISBN) and (return_date = "NOT YET")
group by Book.ISBN ;