Releases: iZettle/wrench
Proguard issue with 1.0.9
1.0.10 Bump version of application
0.3 of libraries
0.3 of libraries - removes final from classes to simplify mocking
Live data implementation of wrench prefs in the sample application for now.
Removed kotlin from libraries.
Some tests
Out of RC
With the core library being promoted to non-RC (0.2) this is the first non-RC release.
Focus on tidy up code in the ConfigurationList to facilitate future feature requests.
The configuration list will sort the last used items to the top of the list.
A bug where the application-/configuration- lists were not updated in onResume is fixed.
This app should be compatible with the RC-libraries (that support will soon be removed).
The sample app sports LiveData implementations of the wrenchPreference library which might be promoted so a separate artifact eventually.
The libraries (0.2) are kotlin and unfortunately final - because it makes testing hard. A new version of the libraries will be released which fixes this.
Fix crash on old devices
Some build related issue. Got errors that resembled proguard - likely the culprit was some buildcache wreaking a havok.
Fix crash on old devices
Fixed room migration due to some release of the room library.
Fix crash on old devices
Due to bug in Support libraries.
Fix icon api 21-25
v1.0.4 fix adaptive icon issue on api 21 - 25