CyberTron5000 is a general purpose discord bot, and the best one! With various original and revolutionary features in almost 100 commands, spread across 10 categories and growing, you'll never be bored!
- Fun (reply, askouija, coinflip, iq, fight, who, emoji, greentext and more!)
- Moderation (ban, kick, user-nick, vote and more!)
- Games (rockpaperscissors, kissmarrykill)
- Reddit (post, meme, redditstats, modstats, askreddit, showerthought, wiki, moderator, and more!)
- Profile (userinfo, guildinfo, avatar, permissions, guild stats, guild mods and more!)
- Internet (compliment, trivia, dog, cat, translate, weather, pokédex and more!)
- Invite the Bot! →
- Join the Support Server! →
- Check out the website! →
CyberTron5000 is under the AGPLv3 License. (See: LICENSE)