Use to embed NamiQ chat widget to your web site.
- Installation
In your
function addLoadEvent(e) {
if (document.readyState === "complete") {
} else {
var t = window.onload;
if (typeof window.onload != "function") {
window.onload = e;
} else {
window.onload = function () {
if (t) {
addLoadEvent(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
(function () {
var e = document.createElement("script"),
t = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
e.src =
e.async = !0;
e.onload = function () {
selector: "#chat-widget",
socketUrl: "<SOCKET_URL>",
language: "vi",
apiKey: "<API_KEY>",
onWidgetEvent: function (event, payload) {
console.log(event, payload);
t.insertBefore(e, t.firstChild);
}, 3000);
| Props/params | Description |
| ------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- |
| namiq-widget-0.0.1.js | NamiQ Chat widget Library |
- Usage
Insert to HTML
<div id="chat-widget"></div>
Init widget
WebChat.default.init({ selector: '#chat-widget', socketUrl: '<YOUR_SOCKET_URL>', } as any);
- Options
Props/params | Default value | Description |
selector | undefined | Where chat widget will be render. |
initPayload | undefined | Payload sent to server when conversation starts |
socketUrl | undefined | Socket URL |
socketPath | / | Socket Path |
showCloseButton | true | Show close button in header |
showFullScreenButton | false | Show full screen button in header |
hideWhenNotConnected | true | Hide widget when server is not available |
language | en | Widget text language (not bot language) |
defaultProductID | -1 | Product ID send to server when conversation starts |
logoUrl | NamiQ Logo URL | Logo URL |
mainColor | #3366ff | Primary color |
conversationBackgroundColor | #ffffff | Background of conversation area |
userTextColor | #FBFBFF | Color of message from user |
userBackgroundColor | #6F54FF | Background of message from user |
assistTextColor | #0D0054 | Color of message from bot or agent |
assistBackgroundColor | #EDEAFF | Background of message from bot or agent |
onWidgetEvent | func | Widget event Callback function. |
- onWidgetEvent callback function
onWidgetEvent = function (eventName: string, payload: any) {
// TODO: Implement you logic
Event | Payload | Description | Example |
initialized | string | Chat widget initialize success. And return conversion id. | 1baf83d2-8e1a-48de-9a30-0ca79afbb419 |
add_to_cart | object | Request add item to cart. | { "id": 2810, "quantity": 2 } |
update-quantity | object | Request update quantity of an item in cart. | { "sku": 2810, "quantity": 2 } |
remove-item | string | Request remove an item in cart. | 2807 |
Method | Params | Description |
openChat | None | Open Chat widget programmatic. |
closeChat | None | Close Chat widget programmatic. |
toggleChat | None | Toggle Chat widget programmatic. |
hideChat | None | Hide Chat widget programmatic. |
toggleInputDisabled | None | Toggle Disable Chat Input programmatic. |
showChat | None | Show Chat widget programmatic. |
setProductId | id | Update Product ID value. |
openBanner | html | Open widget banner by provide a HTML string or plaintext. |
setConsumer | Object | Update consumer data |
sendCustomEvent | Object | Send an event with payload to widget. |
isCartExist | None | Check cart is existed or not. |
- setConsumer parameters
"provider": "string",
"profile": "Object"
Name: cart-created Payload: cart id as string Ex:
name: "cart-created",
Name: cart-created-failed Payload: None Ex:
name: "cart-created",
payload: null,