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Wasabi is a cross-platform UI framework for creating desktop and web applications using only Go.


  • Wasabi enables you to create both desktop and web apps using only Go. A little knowledge of HTML/CSS can help.
  • It works seamlessly with CSS frameworks like Tailwind CSS and daisyUI.
  • It simplifies development by unifying backend and frontend, minimizing data transfer and eliminating the need for JavaScript or backend APIs.
  • It has declarative UI flavor.

A Quick Overview

This example showcases a simple counter application created using Wasabi. The source code of this example is available here

This example uses daisyUI as a CSS framework.

Directory tree

├── main.go
└── assets
    ├── daisyui.css
    └── tailwind.js

Source (main.go)

package main

import (

    w ""
    a ""

//go:embed assets
var assets embed.FS

func main() {
    app := w.NewDesktopApp("counter", 800, 600, w.Assets(assets))

func counter(f *w.Factory) w.Element {
    count := w.NewState(0)
    return f.Div(a.Class("flex items-center justify-center w-screen h-screen"))(
            a.Class("btn text-4xl w-24 h-24 items-center justify-center"),
            a.OnClick(func() { count.Set(count.Get() + 1) }),
        f.Reactive(count, func() w.Element {
            return f.Div(a.Class("text-slate-400 text-4xl w-24 h-24 flex items-center justify-center"))(
            a.Class("btn text-4xl w-24 h-24 items-center justify-center"),
            a.OnClick(func() { count.Set(count.Get() - 1) }),

The following part may be the most important part of the code above.

f.Reactive(count, func() w.Element {
    return f.Div(a.Class("text-slate-400 text-4xl w-24 h-24 flex items-center justify-center"))(

wasabi.Reactive is a function that takes a state and a generator function for an element. Initially, it calls the function with the initial state to make the first element. When the state changes, it makes a new element and replaces the old one calling the function with the updated state.

Build and Run

go build main.go

Screen Shot


Other Examples


Wasabi currently depends on the following packages. Thanks to the creators and contributors of each package.

These dependencies may be changed for internal implementation reasons.


If you intend to package and distribute your application, you essentially just need to execute the go build command with the suitable GOOS and GOARCH parameters. Nonetheless, there are several platform-specific considerations to bear in mind.


You can create an application bundle (.app package) using tools like appify or macappshell.


Your application can be run in the background by specifying the -ldflags "-H windowsgui" option during the go build process. For instance:

go build -ldflags "-H windowsgui" main.go

Additionally, you can utilize tools such as go-winres, rsrc, or GoVersionInfo to embed resources, like the application icon, into your Windows app.

Web App Example

The source code for running the aforementioned Counter desktop app example as a web application can be found here.

Directory Structure

├── main.go
└── counter/assets
    ├── daisyui.css
    └── tailwind.js

Source (main.go)

package main

import (

    w ""
    a ""

//go:embed counter/assets
var assets embed.FS

func main() {
    handler := w.NewHTTPHandler("counter", "/counter", counter, w.Assets(assets))
    http.ListenAndServe(":8080", handler)

func counter(f *w.Factory) w.Element {
    count := w.NewState(0)
    return f.Div(a.Class("flex items-center justify-center w-screen h-screen"))(
            a.Class("btn text-4xl w-24 h-24 items-center justify-center"),
            a.OnClick(func() { count.Set(count.Get() + 1) }),
        f.Reactive(count, func() w.Element {
            return f.Div(a.Class("text-slate-400 text-4xl w-24 h-24 flex items-center justify-center"))(
            a.Class("btn text-4xl w-24 h-24 items-center justify-center"),
            a.OnClick(func() { count.Set(count.Get() - 1) }),

The key differences from the desktop app include the use of w.NewHTTPHandler instead of w.NewDesktopApp. While Wasabi's backend core uses a websocket, it's fundamentally just a net/http handler. This not only enables users to create web apps using Wasabi, but also allows for the integration of Wasabi with other web frameworks.

Build and Run

go build main.go

You can access the application at http://localhost:8080/counter.


Desktop App Architecture

Web App Architecture

The communication between the Go backend and the browser/webview is done via a websocket. The Go backend sends the HTML/CSS/JS code to the browser/webview, and the browser/webview sends the events to the Go backend.


MIT License