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A SQLite-based tool to describe and prototype a web application.

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This is a small SQLite-based programming environment, that is mostly generating static HTML pages from a database. You can visit the generated pages at

  • This uses direnv with its use_nix feature (which loads the environment described in shell.nix).

  • This also uses a Makefile. I didn't specify gnumake in shell.nix, but I guess that its use of mkShell automatically provides it. The Makefile helps to re-generate only the necessary files upon changes when developing.

  • This also uses ghcid, which can be run with make ghcid.


A SQLite database called prototype.db is generated from .sql files, and other data available within this repository. For instance, the names of the Markdown files are inserted into a table called sources.

Using primarily the prototype.db, but also other files, static HTML files are generated in the _site/ directory.

Populating the database, or generating HTML from it, is done by a Makefile, which itself calls the prototype.hs script.

Everything is done by running the scripts/ script:

bin/prototype.sql                        _site/*.html
              \                        /
pages/*.md     -->-- prototype.db -->--


Ensure there is a file .envrc with the following content1 and activate it with direnv allow:

$ cat .envrc
export PROTOTYPE_DB="prototype.db"
$ direnv allow

The PROTOTYPE_DB is used by the prototype.hs script. Currently the Makefile assumes it is prototype.db though.

The NIX_PATH environment variable, placed before use_nix, is taken into account, and it matches what is used by the GitHub workflow.

The following command should be enough to generate a complete _site/ directory that can be served with something like Nginx or Browser Sync.

$ scripts/


In addition of the main build script scripts/, some command-line tools can be usefull, e.g. sqlite3, haskell-mustache, ... but also some of them are implemented in prototype.hs.

Note: instead of running bin/prototype, you can also use runghc bin/prototype.hs.


The following example shows the JSON returned by a particular VIEW screen. It is thus similar to using the route

$ bin/prototype screen view-item 2 --json
{"id":2,"description":"Extract the values of each ENUMs to reuse them in table descriptions.","status":"TODO"}

The screen can be rendered with (the corresponding Mustache template is view-item.mustache):

$ bin/prototype screen view-item 2
Status: TODO
  Extract the values of each ENUMs to reuse them in table descriptions.


$ scripts/ 
make: 'prototype.db' is up to date.
make: *** No rule to make target '_site/tables/sources.html', needed by 'all'.  Stop

This can be caused by a missing tables/ file, used to generate the corresponding .html one.


  1. The file .envrc is not versioned because it can also be used to define environment variables containing credentials. You can change the recommanded value for PROTOTYPE_DB to something else if necessary.