The Belgian Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (CBE) is "a database owned by the FPS Economy containing all the basic data on companies and their business units".
The CBE provides a subset of its database as CSV files, known as "Open Data files". These files can be manually downloaded from a website after registering with the CBE, which includes accepting the Open Data license and specifying the intended use of the files.
This Git repository provides an easy-to-use command-line tool to automate the download of these CSV files, allowing you to schedule downloads and ensure that you always have the latest data available.
$ nix-build -A binaries
$ enterprises --help
enterprises - Download Open Data files from the CBE.
Usage: enterprises COMMAND
This program assists in downloading CSV files from the CBE Open Data pages.
Available options:
-h,--help Show this help text
Available commands:
download-archives Download missing archives
list-archives List downloaded and/or remote archives
download-index Download an index of available remote archives
parse-index Parse a downloaded index of available remote archives
login Verify the provided username and password
This software is developed by Hypered SRL for the Refli Software-as-a-Service web application. It is provided "as is" under the 2-Clause BSD license. For support, custom development, or to explore how we can help with your specific software needs, please contact Hypered SRL.