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Curiosity - A prototype application

This repository contains a prototype application. What we hear about "prototype" is written in commence's README.

In particular, in addition of working features, we want

a software artifact that documents how the real software should work, documents what the business logic is, and provides confidence in the business logic by virtue of having a working implementation.

A demonstration instance of Curiosity is running at It contains documentation that complements this README. If you're non-technical, those links are a better starting point. The rest of this README is intended for more technical profiles.

A previous version of Curiosity, written for Smart Coop, is running at


Curiosity offers multiple tools compiled as a single executable, called cty. The main command, cty serve, is a web application. In particular it uses the servant and stm libraries. The stm library is used instead of a regular relational database (e.g. PostgreSQL). This means the whole state of the application is in memory instead of a "real" database.

In addition of the web application, some other commands are provided to better demonstrate and explore the features of the application.

  • cty serve runs the web application.
  • cty repl is similar but exposes a REPL instead of an HTTP server to run commands and interact with the state.
  • cty run interprets scripts containing commands (the same commands that the REPL uses).
  • cty sock offers a text interface similar to cty repl but through a UNIX-domain socket, and accepts multiple clients.
  • Other commands of cty are meant to be a client for the cty sock server. It can also be run against a local state file.
  • cty parse is a helper command to play with the command parser used in cty repl.

Note: The commands that can be typed in the REPL are using the same syntax used by cty itself. E.g. cty state typed in a shell, is similar to state typed in the Curiosity REPL.

Related repositories

  • The prototype uses design-hs as a component library to create HTML pages.

  • It also uses commence as a kind of base "framework" to organize the prototype.


Tests covering (partially) the library can be run by entering the Nix shell and using cabal:

$ nix-shell
$ cabal test --test-show-details=direct

The same thing can be accomplished with a convenience script: scripts/, which takes care of entering the Nix shell.

The test suite uses hspec, so its command-line options apply.

In GHCi, two convenience functions are defined: runSpec and runScenarios.

Integration tests, which use the Nix testing infrastructure, can be run by building a specific attribute (see below for an interactive environment):

$ nix-build -A run-vm-tests

A GitHub action is used to run the tests on every commit, and report the results on each Pull Request. It is also used to populate a Nix binary cache.


Reloading the code automatically upon changes can be done with ghcid. A convenience script to run ghcid is script/

ghcid can also be instructed to run something when code loads successfully. This is used to typically run tests, but can also be used to restart the Curiosity HTTP server.

This looks like this (be sure to enter the nix-shell first):

$ ghcid --warnings --command scripts/ --test ':main serve'

Note: use the autoReload function defined in Curiosity.Html.Misc to cause an open web page to be automatically refreshed when working on some HTML snippet.

The same mechanism can be used with the HSpec-based tests or the Golden tests:

$ ghcid --warnings --command scripts/ --test ':main'
$ ghcid --warnings --command scripts/ --test ':main'


There are multiple ways to run Curiosity's code. Building the cty binary and executing it is only one way.

It is possible to load the code in GHCi, so that it is interpreted instead of compiled. This provides a quick way to reload the code (with :r).

One way is to use cabal directly, but this exposes the Curiosity.Command module, instead of Main:

$ nix-shell
$ cabal repl curiosity

Instead of using cabal, it's possible to use a helper script to call :main within GHCi.

$ script/
ghci> :main --help

We can also use Cabal to run the example. The advantage compared to using Nix to build the binary is that it is incremental (i.e. re-use already compiled but not modified modules):

$ nix-shell
$ cabal run -- cty --help

(If necessary, the built executable is at dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-9.0.2/curiosity-

The binary can be built and run also this way, which bypass building the tests:

$ cabal build curiosity
$ dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-9.0.2/curiosity- --help

We can build a binary with Nix:

$ nix-build -A binaries
$ result/bin/cty --help

Finally, some environments also contain a runnable executable Curiosity.


We can have a shell populated with the Curiosity binaries and man pages with:

$ nix-shell default.nix -A shell
$ cty --help
$ man cty

That shell also provides a run-full-environment script. It runs a local environment where cty serve and an Nginx reverse proxy are running together:

$ run-full-environment

This is the closest environment we have that mimicks the complete virtual machine image without actually running a VM. It is based on a procfile, run by hivemind.

It is also possible to only run Nginx in that shell with run-nginx. This is useful for instance to proxy a cty serve running from GHCi.

The above script is simply a tiny wrapper around the run attribute:

$ nix-build -A run
$ result/bin/run-full-environment

The run-vm-tests attribute lets you run tests based on a NixOS VM mirroring the production setup, plus a client VM. You can run it either non-interactively...:

$ nix-build -A run-vm-tests

... or interactively:

$ nix-build -A run-vm-tests.driverInteractive
$ result/bin/nixos-test-driver
> start_all( )

This opens two QEMU windows, one for the server, one for the client, and you can use the root account to interactively log in the VMs. The client can access the server using the domain name. You can read the relevant NixOS manual section for more informations.

Note: these VMs are not connected to the internet, here refers to the server VM, not the production machine.

And finally, we can run a local virtual machine running both cty serve and an Nginx reverse proxy using QEMU (see below):

$ nix-build -A runvm
$ result/bin/run-nixos-vm

The web application can be accessed at A helper script is provided to do the same: scripts/

The virtual machine image running at is based on the above, and can be built with:

$ nix-build -A image


cty is the main command-line tool to run the web application, interact against a server running on the same host (through a UNIX-domain socket), or against a state file. Note that modifying a state file used by a running server should be avoided.

By default, cty interacts against a state file called state.json. Use the --state option to override the file name. Use the --socket option to instead interact against a running server.

$ cty init
State file 'state.json' created.

$ cty state

$ cty user get alice
No such user.

$ cty user signup alice secret [email protected] --accept-tos
User created: USER-1
Signup confirmation email enqueued: EMAIL-1

$ cty user get USER-1

Example REPL commands

The REPL can be quit with the quit command, or Ctrl-d:

$ cty repl
> quit

The REPL accepts commands similar to the cty sub-commands, including --help.

> user signup alice secret [email protected] --accept-tos
> --help

Example scripts

Scripts (i.e. files containing commands) can be run with cty run. Exampe scripts can be found within the repository, in the scenarios/ directory.

$ cty run scenarios/user-signup.txt
1: reset
State is now empty.
3: user signup alice secret [email protected] --accept-tos
User created: USER-1
Signup confirmation email enqueued: EMAIL-1
4: user get USER-1 --short
USER-1 alice
5: quit

Such scripts, together with their expected output, are used as a high-level testing mechanism.

Nix binary cache

You can re-use the Curiosity binaries built by the CI through a custom Nix binary cache.

On a NixOS system add the following snippet to your system configuration:

nix.settings = {
  substituters = [ "" "" ];
  trusted-public-keys = [ "curiosity-store:W3LXUB+6DjtZkKV0gEfNXGtTjA+hMqjPUoK6mzzco+w=" "" ];

On a non-NixOS system, you can edit the /etc/nix/nix.conf file and set the substituters and trusted-public-keys configuration attributes to:

substituters =
trusted-public-keys = curiosity-store:W3LXUB+6DjtZkKV0gEfNXGtTjA+hMqjPUoK6mzzco+w=

Docker image

A Docker image can be built to experiment with the cty program, and have access to man pages. By default, running the image will run Bash.

$ nix-build -A docker
$ docker load < result
$ docker run --privileged -it -p 9000:9000 curiosity:vsj9an994jjrw47kv9fj0icjs2f6xq6r

Note: the image tag will be different as it depends on the actual image content.

Note: -p 9000:9000 is necessary only if you want to run the web applicatio with cty serve.

Virtual machine images


A virtual machine image that can be run with QEMU can be built and run with:

$ nix-build -A runvm
$ result/bin/run-nixos-vm

Within the VM, Nginx is setup as a reverse-proxy in front of cty serve. You should be able to confirm that with e.g.:

# curl -v
# systemctl status nginx
# systemctl status app

The VM contains other binaries to help interact with the system, and local documentation is available as man pages:

# cty --help
# man curiosity

Use ctrl-a x to quit QEMU.

Note: when using the run-nixos-vm script, a disk file called nixos.qcow2 is created. It is re-used on the next call, and may create some conflicts. Thus it is sometimes necessary to delete it before running the script again.

Digital Ocean

An image suitable for Digital Ocean can also be built:

$ nix-build -A image
$ ls result/

Its weight is about 870MB.

Static documentation

The static documentation can be built by using the content Nix attribute. It is better to name its result symlink _site instead of the default (result) be cause this is what cty serve expects by default, as well as the helper script.

$ nix-build -A content --out-link _site
$ scripts/

Documentation pages use the Nginx SSI feature, to embed some HTML fragments that are generated by the cty serve backend. This is also used to embed a navigation bar (so that a logout or a login link is provided depending on if the backend notices that the user is logged in or not).

To get a static navigation bar within the generated HTML pages instead of using the SSI feature, it is possible to use the public Nix attribute:

$ nix-build -A public --out-link _site
$ scripts/

The host

These are raw notes about how the original was deployed. I (Thu) have used 4 scripts that come from my nix-notes repository.

Those scripts require some environment variables for authentication, and some configuration to point to the right services (DigitalOcean instead of AWS). I'm using a .envrc file, and a s3-config file, that are not under version control.

  • is used to upload the DigitalOcean image to Spaces (similar to S3). This gives us a URL from where the image can be downloaded for the next step.

  • is used to import the image as a "custom image" into DigitalOcean. This requires a URL from which DO will download the file. This was provided by the previous step. The command returns quickly, but the image will be shown as "Pending" in the DO web interface for quite a while.

    $ scripts/
    ID           Name         Type      Distribution    Slug    Public    Min Disk
    110021225    curiosity    custom    Unknown OS              false     0

    The returned image ID is important for the next step.

  • is used to create a Drople (i.e. a VM) at DO. The image ID from the previous step is hard-coded in the script. In addition, a public SSH key of mine, already known by DO, is specified in the script to be copied in the Droplet. After that, I note its IP address.

    I've confirmed I could SSH into it:

    I've also confirmed that the same commands shown above for the QEMU case also work.

    It seems only 4.4GB are used on the 25GB disk.

  • is used to deploy changes to the Droplet, without needing to rebuild an image or create a new Droplet. Note that I specified within the script instead of its IP address. See below.


This project was initially carried for Smart Coop, from August 2022 till January 2023. The version done for Smart Coop is easily available in the branch. The corresponding domain expired in June 2023.

The work done done for Smart Coop is visible at ( is used for the current version.)