##Hyerin's Creative Project
*So when I first started looking into AR in browsers, I only knew of ARTOOLKIT. Which I used for unity a long long time ago. When I went back to their website(http://www.hitl.washington.edu/artoolkit/) and github(https://github.com/artoolkit/ARToolKit5). I realized they haven't updated their code in a while.
*And then I found out about AR.js(https://github.com/AR-js-org/AR.js). And they utilized Aframe, which we used to do webvr stuff. This was built based on artoolkitjs, so it's easy to understand between the two.
*You can use a preset marker like Hiro or Kanji with <a-marker preset="hiro">/
*Or you can make your own new marker here(https://jeromeetienne.github.io/AR.js/three.js/examples/marker-training/examples/generator.html) with <a-marker type='pattern' url='yourpattern.patt'>
*And then you can add whichever entity. Such as <a-minecraft>
or <a-entity>