Drawing in AR using a reflective head-mounted display(Lenovo Mirage Jedi) and Motion Capture
VRscreentest is a code I wrote to test disabling Gyroscope and Accelerometer Input to the device.
- Open the project in Unity. Plug your Android phone into your computer.
- Open build settings and make sure Unity detects your device.
- Select Build and Run. Save APK locally and let it run on device.
- In Unity console, select your device from the "Editor" dropdown menu.
- Tilt your phone in directions and click the screen to see the logged results in the console.
QTM-Unity-VR is the main code for drawing in AR
- Open the project in Unity. Make sure QTM is running and has your HMD and bluetooth pen tool mapped. Connect the bluetooth pen tool to your Android device.
- In Unity, make sure your game objects names match those in QTM.
- Build and Run APK file on to your Android device.
- Hold your phone with top of phone to your left, and bottom to right(Landscape-left orientation).
- Start the app.
- When the app is fully loaded, slide it into the Lenovo Mirage sleeve, and carefully slide the sleeve into the HMD.
- Press the trigger of the pen tool to draw