When cloning this repo for the first time you must install the necessary tools.
- Create a 'tools' directory in the root folder
- Place a copy of annovar, samtools, etc.
production run: python call-mutations-indels.py -s sample_info.txt -p path_file.sh -d outputdir [-b intervals.maf]
debug run: python -i call-mutations-indels.py -s sample_info.txt -p path_file.sh -d outputdir [-b intervals.maf]
This pipeline is currently installed on the hopp-cli server and must be executed from /home/sam/HOPP-Informatics/projects/sequencingPipeline.
Generate the BWA index
bwa index -a bwtsw reference.fa
Generate the fasta file index
samtools faidx reference.fa
Generate the sequence dictionary
java -jar picard.jar /home/sam/tools/picard-tools-1.130/CreateSequenceDictionary REFERENCE=reference.fa OUTPUT=reference.dict
This pipeline is still in development and produces known errors use at your own risk.