An SBT plugin to perform UglifyJs optimization.
To use this plugin use the addSbtPlugin command within your project's plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-uglify" % "1.0.0")
Your project's build file also needs to enable sbt-web plugins. For example with build.sbt:
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).enablePlugins(SbtWeb)
As with all sbt-web asset pipeline plugins you must declare their order of execution e.g.:
pipelineStages := Seq(uglify)
A standard build profile for the Uglify optimizer is provided which will mangle variables for obfuscation and
compress. Source maps are also generated. Also by default, everything is minified into a "main.min.js" file either
in your js
or javascripts
folder, or in the root of your assets if neither of those exist.
You are able to use and/or customize settings already made, and add your own. Here are a list of relevant settings and their meanings (please refer to the UglifyJs documentation for details on the options):
Option | Description |
comments | Specifies comments handling. Defaults to None. |
compress | Enables compression. The default is to compress. Set to false to not compress. |
compressOptions | A sequence of options for compression such as hoist_vars, if_return etc. |
define | Define globals. Defaults to None. |
enclose | Enclose in one big function. Defaults to false. |
mangle | Enables name mangling. The default is to mangle. |
mangleOptions | Options for mangling such as sort, topLevel etc. |
output | The target relative url path for Uglify output. Defaults to ./main.min.js". |
preamble | Any preamble to include at the start of the output. Defaults to None. |
reserved | Reserved names to exclude from mangling. |
sourceMap | Enables source maps. The default is that source maps are enabled (true). |
Supposing that your application does not have a main.js
and consequently main.min.js
makes no sense. Suppose
that instead, it should be js/app.min.js
given the existence of js/app.js
UglifyKeys.output := "js/app.min.js"
The plugin is built on top of JavaScript Engine which supports different JavaScript runtimes.
© Typesafe Inc., 2014