This is the PyTorch implementation for CIEGCL proposed in the paper CIEGCL: Counterfactual Intervention Enhancing Graph Contrastive Learning in Implicit Feedback
We develope our codes in the following environment:
Python version 3.9.12
Top k for testing recommendation performance. -
specifies$\lambda_S$ , the regularization weight for CL loss. -
is$\lambda$ , the L2 regularization weight. -
specifies$\tau$ , the temperature in CL loss. -
is the edge dropout rate. -
is the train batch size. -
is the embedding dimension for embedding based models. -
is the layer number for GNN models.
- Ciao
--cl_weight 0.001
- Movielens-1M
--cl_weight 0.001 --temp 0.2
- Coat
--batch_size 64 --temp 0.5 --weight_decay 0.01