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Currently ai-parse is tested on Mac OSX and Linux platforms. Makefile included with the bundle is platform aware. Use help to see supported Configurations

myhost:ai-parse husnusensoy$ make help
This makefile supports the following configurations:
    Debug Release Release-Linux 

and the following targets:
    build  (default target)

Makefile Usage:
    make [CONF=<CONFIGURATION>] [SUB=no] build
    make [CONF=<CONFIGURATION>] [SUB=no] clean
    make [SUB=no] clobber
    make [SUB=no] all
    make help

Target 'build' will build a specific configuration and, unless 'SUB=no',
    also build subprojects.
Target 'clean' will clean a specific configuration and, unless 'SUB=no',
    also clean subprojects.
Target 'clobber' will remove all built files from all configurations and,
    unless 'SUB=no', also from subprojects.
Target 'all' will will build all configurations and, unless 'SUB=no',
    also build subprojects.
Target 'help' prints this message.

Mac OS X

Use Debug/Release for Mac OS X platforms

make CONF=Release-icc


Use Linux-Release for Mac OS X platforms

make CONF=Release-icc-Linux	 


Dependency Parsing by ai-lab.

Ensure that you run (or it is already in your .bashrc, .bash_profile,etc. files)

source $(INTEL_BASE)/bin/ intel64

It is most likely to be something like

source /opt/intel/bin/ intel64

$ dist/Release-icc/icc-MacOSX/ai-parse --help
2014-05-05 14:49:23 [INFO] (ai-parse.c:main:62) ai-parse v0.9.4 (Release)
Usage: ai-parse [options] [[--] args]

	-h, --help                show this help message and exit
    -v, --verbosity=<int>     Verbosity level. Minimum (Default) 0. Increasing values increase parser verbosity.
    -o, --modelname=<str>     Model name
    -p, --path=<str>          CoNLL base directory including sections
    -s, --stage=<str>         [ optimize | train | parse ]
    -n, --maxnumit=<int>      Maximum number of iterations by perceptron. Default is 50
    -t, --training=<str>      Training sections for optimize and train. Apply sections for parse
    -d, --development=<str>   Development sections for optimize
    -e, --epattern=<str>      Embedding Patterns
    -l, --edimension=<int>    Embedding dimension
    -m, --maxrec=<int>        Maximum number of training instance
    -x, --etransform=<str>    Embedding Transformation
    -k, --kernel=<str>        Kernel Type
    -a, --bias=<int>          Polynomial kernel additive term. Default is 1
    -c, --concurrency=<int>   Parallel MKL Slaves. Default is 90% of all machine cores
    -b, --degree=<int>        Degree of polynomial kernel. Default is 4
    -z, --lambda=<str>        Lambda multiplier for RBF Kernel.Default value is 0.025
    -u, --budget_type=<str>   Budget control methods. NONE|RANDOM
    -g, --budget_size=<int>   Budget Target for budget based perceptron algorithms. Default 50K

-s parameter defines the stage/mode of the parser. There are 3 valid stages/modes

  • optimize (best hyper parameters based on dev set performance) a dependency parsing model using a training set
    • optimize option generates a file with .model extension and model name (given by -o option). This file is used by parse option to load the model.
  • train a dependency parsing model using a training set with given hyper parameters, and
  • parse a given a set of sentences by using a given dependency parsing model.
    • parse option generates two files with <model_name> and <model_name>.model.conll format (<model_name> is given by -o option in optimise or train stage). Files are in 10 column CoNLL format with parent field difference. <model_name>.gold.conll includes true parent whereas <model_name>.model.conll includes predicted parent.

-v parameter specifies the level of verbosity during parser execution. (This is not about logging)

  • 0 is the minimum (default) verbosity level
  • 1 causes hypothesis vectors to be dumped into a UNIX epoch labeled file after each perceptron pass over training data.

-o parameter specifies a model name. Refer -s option for more details

-p parameter refers to any CoNLL root directory. Expected directory structure is


Refer to scripts/ to create clones of original ConLL directory enriched with embeddings.

-n is only relevant for optimize and train stages. For optimize it is the maximum number of iterations in optimising dev set accuracy (Remember that optimize can terminate before reaching this number. Another condition that will cause optimisation to stop is not to observe any accuracy improvement on development set in last 3 iterations[^].)

-t is used to set sections to be used as the training set when optimize and train stages are concerned and test set to be parsed for parse stage. Valid formats to be used with the option is

  • <start>-<end> to refer [<start>, <end>) section. For example, 2-22 refers all sections between 2 and 22 excluding section 22 but including section 2.
  • s1,s2,s3 to refer a list of sections defined as {s1, s2,s3}. For example 2,3,4 refers to sections 2,3, and 4.
  • s1 to refer a single section. For example 22 refers to section 22.

-d is used to set sections to be used as the development set when optimize stage is used. Valid format for the option is the format used for -t option.

-e is used to define an embedding pattern to be used as an input in arc scoring (assign a score for a potential arc from a word (parent) to another one (child) ) for Eisner's algorithm. Format of the parameter is pattern1_pattern2_..._patternN (a series of pattern strings concatenated by underscores). Valid pattern strings are:

  • p<N>v: Refers to word embedding at position i_p + <N>. For example p0v refers to embedding for parent word itself, whereas p-1v refers to left context word of parent word given that p != 1, for which embedding is defined to be 0 vector. Just like left context (p-1v), right context (p1v) of a parent is a 0 vector given that parent word is the last word of the sentence.
  • c<N>v: Refers to word embedding at position i_c + <N>. For example c0v refers to embedding for child word itself, whereas c-1v refers to left context word of child word given that c != 1, for which embedding is defined to be 0 vector. Just like left context (c-1v), right context (c1v) of a child is a 0 vector given that child word is the last word of the sentence.
  • tl: Refers to thresholded length defining 6 binary features for the number of words between parent and child (another way of saying absolute length between parent and child). Those are
    • 1 if length > 1 else 0
    • 1 if length > 2 else 0
    • 1 if length > 3 else 0
    • 1 if length > 4 else 0
    • 1 if length > 5 else 0
    • 1 if length > 10 else 0
    • 1 if length > 20 else 0
    • 1 if length > 30 else 0
    • 1 if length > 40 else 0
  • rl: Refers to raw length defining the number of words between parent and child as a continuos value.
  • lbf: Refers to left boundary flag defining two bits (one for child/modifier and one for parent/head) indicating whether the node (either child or parent) is the first word of a given sentence.
  • rbf: Refers to right boundary flag defining two bits (one for child/modifier and one for parent/head) indicating whether the node (either child or parent) is the last word of a given sentence.
  • dir: Direction of the arc represented as two exclusive bits internally. 10 for left to right and 01 for right to left.
  • root: ROOT indicator flag. Set to be 1 if parent if ROOT 0 otherwise.
  • between: Average embedding vector of length --edimension.
    • Element-wise average of embedding vectors if min(parent, child) + 1 < max(parent,child) (if there are at least on word between two).
    • 0 vector of length --edimension otherwise.

-l is used to set expected number of dimensions in word embeddings given in enriched CoNLL corpus. For example, this is 25 for majority of SCODE type based embeddings and 50 for majority of SCODE token based embeddings.

-m is used to restrict number of training instances to be used for optimize and train. Only first -m instances will be used from the sections given by -t option. This option defined to perform experiments to see the effect of training instances used over development set accuracy.

-x is used to define basis function to be used by the parser. Don't use this option today. This defined for future requirements. Either LINEAR (default), QUADRATIC or CUBIC.

-c is used to define concurrency to be used in parsing (Used by MKL routines. Intel auto parallelism uses 8-way parallelism on Linux 2-way parallelism on MacOS)

-k is used to define kernel function. Either LINEAR (default), POLYNOMIAL, or RBF/GAUSSIAN.

-a is the bias parameter for POLYNOMIAL kernel.

-b is the degree of POLYNOMIAL kernel function.

-z is the lambda for RBF kernel.

-u is the budgeting type. Default is NONE. RANDOM uses a random pruning to reduce the number of hypothesis vectors.

-g is the budget limit for budget based perceptron algorithms. Default is 50K hypothesis instances.

Sample Runs

Polynomial Kernel Perceptron Mode

Model Optimisation

Following call runs ai-parse to train a model called kernel_limited (this will create a model file called kernel_limited.model by termination) using POLYNOMIAL kernel and executing parser in 16-way parallelism. Training will only use first 10000 sentences in 2-22 sections of corpus.

ai-parse -o kernel_limited -p $CONLL_ROOT -s optimize -e p-1v_p0v_p1v_c-1v_c0v_c1v_tl -l 25 -k POLYNOMIAL -x LINEAR -c 16 -m 10000


Following call runs ai-parse to apply kernel model in kernel.model file to parse 0,23,24 sections of corpus in $CONLL_ROOT base directory in 16-way parallelism.

ai-parse -o kernel -p $CONLL_ROOT -s parse -t 0,23,24 -e p-1v_p0v_p1v_c-1v_c0v_c1v_tl -l 25 -x LINEAR -k POLYNOMIAL -c 16

Feature Function Mode

Model Optimisation

Following call runs ai-parse for optimising a dependency parser over a corpus in ~/uparse/data/nlp/treebank/treebank-2.0/combined/conll_type_scode root directory having 25 dimensional word embeddings. For arch scoring a combination of parent, child word embeddings, and distance between them is used (-e option). Model will be saved in to scode_type.model file once the run is complete.

$ cat 
export CONLL_PATH=~/uparse/data/nlp/treebank/treebank-2.0/combined/conll_type_scode
dist/Release/GNU-MacOSX/ai-parse -s optimize -p $CONLL_PATH -l 25 -e p0v_c0v_tl -o scode_type -x QUADRATIC

Following call runs ai-parse for optimising a dependency parser over a corpus in ~/uparse/data/nlp/treebank/treebank-2.0/combined/conll_token_scode root directory having 50 dimensional word embeddings. For arch scoring a combination of parent, parent left/right contexts, child, child left/right context word embeddings, and distance between them is used (-e option). Model will be saved in to scode_token.model file once the run is complete.

myhost:ai-parse husnusensoy$ cat 
export CONLL_PATH=~/uparse/data/nlp/treebank/treebank-2.0/combined/conll_token_scode
dist/Release/GNU-MacOSX/ai-parse -s optimize -p $CONLL_PATH -l 50 -e p-1v_p0v_p1v_c-1v_c0v_c1v_tl -o scode_token -x QUADRATIC

[^]: 3 is hard coded as a constant for today and may be parametrised in the future.

ConLLCorpus Creation with Word Embeddings

Before performing parsing experiments using ai-parse CoNLL corpus is expected to be enriched with word embeddings.

We do this by adding a 11th column into standard ConLL file format for word embedding. Just like other attributes of a CoNLL record 11th column is separated by <TAB> character. Each dimension of embeddings are separated by a single space character.

Although ai-parse does not depend on process generating the replica of original CoNLL corpus with embeddings, scripts/ provides a way of easily generating a CoNLL replica given an embeddings lookup file.

$ python scripts/ --help
usage: [-h] [--delimiter DELIMITER]
                                 [--offset OFFSET] [--unk_as_default]
                                 [--token] [--unk_key UNK_KEY]
                                 [--length LENGTH]
                                 embeddings_file src target

Create a clone of CoNLL corpus by adding given embeddings

positional arguments:
  embeddings_file       Delimited embedding file first token to be word others
                        to be the embedding dimensions
  src                   Root directory of CoNLL corpus to be used as source
  target                Root directory of CoNLL corpus to be used as target

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --delimiter DELIMITER
                        File delimiter. Default is <TAB>
  --offset OFFSET       Starting offset of embedding token. Default: 1
  --unk_as_default      Use <unk> embedding as the default embedding.
                        Otherwise 0 embedding is used
  --token               Token based embeddings instead of type based
  --unk_key UNK_KEY     UNK key to be used to replace unknown words
  --length LENGTH       Expected length of embeddings

python scripts/ best-dis+om.enw.type.gz conll


--delimiter is an option to define the dimension delimiter in embeddings_file.

--offset is an option to define the starting offset of embeddings data. To be more precise given a row in embeddings_file delimited by --delimiter. First embedding dimension is pythonized by row.split(--delimiter)[--offset].

--unk_as_default is a boolean option to decide on embeddings of unknown words. If option is set embedding for --unk_key in embeddings_file will be used. Otherwise a zero vector will be used.

--token is another boolean option to decide embeddings_file format

  • Option is set: This means that embeddings_file has token based format and there is a line for each line in ConLL corpus(order by section, filename). Any mismatch in word in embeddings_file line and corpus file line will cause an error.
  • Option is not set: This means that embeddings_file has type based format and a Python dictionary will be constructed using the file and will be used to enrich CoNLL corpus.

--unk_key Refer to --unk_as_default option.

--length Expected dimension of embeddings vector in embeddings_file

Positional Parameters

embeddings_file is the file (.gz is supported) either in token or type format. Refer to --token for more details.

src is the source CoNLL directory with 10 column corpus files. All subdirectories (section directories) will be read iteratively and enriched by given embeddings.

target is the target CoNLL directory to be created (if necessary ) by the script. All enriched sentences are written into this directory with section subdirectories.


Depedency Parsing by ai-lab







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