This package helps to detect different call states like Incoming
, Disconnected
, Dialing
and Connected
for iOS. For android, this package will give the following states, Offhook
, Incoming
and Disconnected
Add the package to your react-native project in the following way
yarn add react-native-call-detection
Link the current package to your react native project
react-native link react-native-call-detection
Just Verify that the following changes are present in the corresponding files
- In
+ import com.pritesh.calldetection.CallDetectionManager;
protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
new MainReactPackage(),
+ new CallDetectionManager(MainApplication.this)
- In
include ':app'
+ include ':react-native-call-detection'
+ project(':react-native-call-detection').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-call-detection/android')
- In
dependencies {
compile "com.facebook.react:react-native:+" // From node_modules
+ compile project(':react-native-call-detection')
There are different hooks that you may get depending on the platform. So if
Its really easy to setup the package. Have a look at the following code snippet
import CallDetectorManager from 'react-native-call-detection'
startListenerTapped() {
this.callDetector = new CallDetectorManager((event)=> {
// For iOS event will be either "Connected",
// "Disconnected","Dialing" and "Incoming"
// For Android event will be either "Offhook",
// "Disconnected" and "Incoming"
if (event === 'Disconnected') {
// Do something call got disconnected
else if (event === 'Connected') {
// Do something call got connected
// This clause will only be executed for iOS
else if (event === 'Incoming') {
// Do something call got incoming
else if (event === 'Dialing') {
// Do something call got dialing
// This clause will only be executed for iOS
else if (event === 'Offhook') {
//Device call state: Off-hook.
// At least one call exists that is dialing,
// active, or on hold,
// and no calls are ringing or waiting.
// This clause will only be executed for Android
stopListenerTapped() {
this.callDetector && this.callDetector.dispose();
Dont forget to call dispose
when you don't intend to use call detection, as it will avoid memory leakages.
Example project can be used to test out the package. In the example project update the HomeComponent.js
with the phone number to call
callFriendTapped() {
// Add the telephone num to call
.catch(err => {
For any problems and doubt raise an issue.
Since For android, there is no native support to detect call being disconnected, the callbackn with "Disconnected" event will be called only when the app comes in foreground.