This image builds up on the official weekly Jenkins Docker Image jenkins:weekly.
Additionally installed:
- Oracle JDK 7 (latest at point of image build)
- Google Cloud SDK including several components
- App Engine SDKs for Go, Java, Python and PHP
- Cloud SDK for Go, Java, Python and PHP
- Developer Preview Commands + Extensions
- gcloud app Extensions for Go, Python
- Jenkins plugins
- Job Configuration History
- Parameterized Trigger
- SSH Agent
- SSH Credentials
- SSH Slaves
- Maven
- Git Client
- Git Parameter
- GitHub
- GitHub API
- GitHub Pull Request Builder
- Environment Injector
- Cloudbees Build Flow
- Join
- JsHint
- JUnit
- Metrics
- Global Build Stats
- Build Metrics
- Disk Usage
- Embeddable Build Status
- Static Code Analysis
- Static Analysis Collector
- Checkstyle
- Duplicate Code Scanner (PMD)
- FindBugs
- Performance
- Tasks Scanner
- Warnings
- Emma