This repository contains my solutions to the problems from Project Euler. Project Euler is a collection of challenging mathematical and computational problems that require creative problem-solving and programming skills.
"Project Euler exists to encourage, challenge, and develop the skills and enjoyment of anyone with an interest in the fascinating world of mathematics."
For each problem I solved/will solve, I have provided a Python script that solves the problem. Please note that these solutions are meant for educational purposes and to showcase different problem-solving approaches. It's always recommended to solve the problems on your own before referring to the solutions.
- Problem 1: Multiples of 3 and 5
- Problem 2: Even Fibonacci numbers
- Problem 3: Largest prime factor
- Problem 4: Largest palindrome product
- Problem 5: Smallest Multiple
- Problem 6: Sum Square Difference
- Problem 7: 10001st Prime
- Problem 8: Largest Product in a Series
- Problem 9: Special Pythagorean Triplet
- Problem 10: Summation of Primes
- Problem 11: Largest Product in a Grid
- Problem 12: Highly Divisible Triangular Number
- Problem 13: Large Sum
- Problem 14: Longest Collatz Sequence
- Problem 15: Lattice Paths
- Problem 16: Power Digit Sum
- Problem 17: Number Letter Counts
- Problem 18: Maximum Path Sum I
- Problem 19: Counting Sundays
- Problem 20: Factorial Digit Sum
- Problem 21: Amicable Numbers
- Problem 22: Names Scores
- Problem 23: Non-Abundant Sums
- Problem 24: Lexicographic Permutations
- Problem 25: 1000-digit Fibonacci Number
- Problem 26: Reciprocal Cycles
- Problem 27: Quadratic Primes
- Problem 28: Number Spiral Diagonals
- Problem 29: Distinct Powers
- Problem 30: Digit Fifth Powers
- Problem 31: Coin Sums
- Problem 32: Pandigital Products
- Problem 33: Digit Cancelling Fractions
- Problem 34: Digit Factorials
- Problem 35: Circular Primes
- Problem 36: Double-base Palindromes
- Problem 37: Truncatable Primes
- Problem 38: Pandigital Multiples
- Problem 39: Integer Right Triangles
- Problem 40: Champernowne's Constant
- Problem 41: Pandigital Prime
- Problem 42: Coded Triangle Numbers
- Problem 43: Sub-string Divisibility
- Problem 44: Pentagon Numbers
- Problem 45: Triangular, Pentagonal, and Hexagonal
301 - Problem 301: Nim
Feel free to contribute to this repository by providing your own solutions, optimizations, or alternative approaches to the problems. Please create a pull request with your changes, and I'll be happy to review and merge them.
The solutions provided in this repository are my own work unless otherwise specified. They are intended for personal learning and should not be used to gain an unfair advantage or violate the Project Euler terms of use.
If you haven't already, I highly recommend visiting the Project Euler website and attempting the problems on your own before exploring the solutions.
Happy coding!