Major changes in this version:
- When a user drops from a game, if two or more players remain the game will not stop #133
This is how things worked from version 0.11.2 and before, but was lost when we moved to running the entire server on a single port. This has not been thoroughly tested and there is a rare edge case where the game may pause for up to one minute before continuing. If you notice strange behavior when a game ends, please let us know.
- Ping calculation is more accurate
Until now, ping has been measured at only millisecond-level precision and the average ping was calculated by truncating instead of rounding.
- Significant performance boost for the game data cache
The protocol uses a cache to avoid sending multiple packets of identical game data. After some inspection I realized that the specialized data structure being used was almost optimally inefficient 😂 I made some small changes which reduce cache lookup time by about 80% in practice. I haven't run the full suite of performance tests for comparison with previous versions, but it's possible this results in a noticeable improvement.
Other changes:
- I switched from Dagger to Koin for dependency injection. This removes the need for annotation processing, which speeds up build times and removes nearly all generated sources. This was a big hurdle to making it possible to comfortably edit the server code using VS Code.
- Some game data processing code that was previously synchronized with locks had the locks removed (presumed unnecessary), which may have a performance benefit.
- Some changes in how dependencies are defined means the jar is close to half the size.
- I some changes that may mitigate lag spikes experienced when a user joins the server (please provide feedback on this).
As always if you notice bugs feel free to create a GitHub issue or post in the Kaillera Reborn Discord server.
- Allow two or more users to continue playing a game when someone drops by @hopskipnfall in #133
- Switch from Dagger to Koin for DI by @hopskipnfall in #134
- Make mid-game dropping more reliable by @hopskipnfall in #136
Full Changelog: 0.13...0.14