- /admin-dashboard - Extends the admin interface (contains a HTML fragment with code and styles)
- hoodie.plugin_name.js - Extends the hoodie.js front-end API
- index.js - Node.js worker for handling tasks and other events (this is just the default location, you have more options here, see below)
- package.json - The plugin's metadata and dependencies (since the plugin should function as an npm module)
The server-side component of the plugin can be left in an index.js for simplicity, but Hoodie will prefer the following, if present:
- Whatever you reference under
in the plugin'spackage.json
- Whatever you get when you
the plugin root directory
// Initializing a worker
module.exports = function (hoodie, callback) {
// hoodie object is client to hoodie backend, documented below.
// call callback when setup complete (with optional error if worker failed to initialize).
// ...
// make HTTP requests directly to CouchDB (ideally, you would never need to use this)
hoodie.request(method, path, options, callback)
// get / set plugin configuration
hoodie.config.set(key, value)
// list all databases
// create a new database
hoodie.database.add(name, callback)
// remove a database
hoodie.database.remove(name, callback)
// get a database object to make calls against
hoodie.database(name) => db
// add a document to db
db.add(type, attrs, callback)
// update a document in db
db.update(type, id, changed_attrs, callback)
// get a document from db
db.find(type, id, callback)
// get all documents from db
// get all documents of a single type in db
db.findAll(type, callback)
// remove a document from db
db.remove(type, id, callback)
// remove all documents of type in db
db.removeAll(type, callback)
// grant read access to everyone on db by updating CouchDB security
// grant write access to everyone on db
// grant read access to specific user on db by updating CouchDB security
db.grantReadAccess(account_type, account_id, callback)
// grant write access to specific user on db by adding role (checked by design doc in db)
db.grantWriteAccess(account_type, account_id, callback)
// update db security so it's no longer publicly readable
// update db security so it's no longer publicly writable
// remove user from couchdb readers for db
db.revokeReadAccess(account_type, account_id, callback)
// remove role from user so they cannot write to db (checked by design doc)
db.revokeWriteAccess(account_type, account_id, callback)
// Index / Query API
// creates new design doc with CouchDB view on db
db.addIndex(name, {map: .., reduce: ..}, callback)
// removes design doc for couchdb view on db
db.removeIndex(name, callback)
// query a couchdb view on db
db.query(index, options, callback)
// hoodie.account API
hoodie.account.add(type, attrs, callback)
hoodie.account.update(type, id, changed_attrs, callback)
hoodie.account.find(type, id, callback)
hoodie.account.findAll(type, callback)
hoodie.account.remove(type, id, callback)
hoodie.account.removeAll(type, callback)
// hoodie.account events
hoodie.account.on('change', handler)
hoodie.account.on('type:change', handler)
// use case:
// handle password resets
hoodie.account.on('$passwordReset:change', function(object) {
// set new password in user doc & send it via email
// listen to task document events
hoodie.task.on('change', function (db, doc) { ... })
hoodie.task.on('type:change', function (db, doc) { ... })
// add / remove sources (database) to listen for new tasks
hoodie.task.addSource( databaseName )
hoodie.task.removeSource( databaseName )
// mark task as complete
hoodie.task.success( databaseName, taskDoc, [callback] )
// mark task as errored
hoodie.task.error( databaseName, taskDoc, error, [callback] )
// send emails
from: "Fred Foo ✔ <[email protected]>", // sender address
to: "[email protected], [email protected]", // list of receivers
subject: "Hello ✔", // Subject line
text: "Hello world ✔", // plaintext body
html: "<b>Hello world ✔</b>" // html body
}, callback)
// sending emails uses nodemailer API:
// https://github.com/andris9/Nodemailer
// you can also pass attachments as dataURIs:
to: '[email protected]',
from: '[email protected]',
subject: 'test',
text: 'blah blah',
attachments: [
{dataURI: 'data:text/plain;base64,SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ%3D%3D', ...}
}, callback);
// please note, the 'filePath' property usable on attachments in nodemail
// will be stripped in hoodie to prevent accidentally emailing out files
// from the server
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