Unity code analyzer tool. Based on https://github.com/jbevain/mono.reflection.
public static class CodeAnalyzer {
public static List<MethodBase> FindUsageOfMethod(MethodInfo method, Assembly assembly) {}
public static List<MethodBase> FindMethodUsageInsideMethodBody(MethodInfo method, MethodBase bodyMethod) {}
Use these to find usage of a method inside any Assembly or other Method.
public sealed class Image {
public static bool IsAssembly (string fileName) {}
public static bool IsAssembly (Stream stream) {}
Test whether a file is a managed assembly or not.
public static class BackingFieldResolver {
public static FieldInfo GetBackingField (this PropertyInfo self) {}
Returns the field backing a property or throws an InvalidOperationException.
public static class Disassembler {
public static IList<Instruction> GetInstructions (this MethodBase self) {}
Returns a read only collection of Instruction representing the IL method body or throws an ArgumentException if the method doesn't provide a body.
public class Instruction {
public int Offset { get; }
public OpCode OpCode { get; }
public object Operand { get; }
public Instruction Next { get; }
public Instruction Previous { get; }
Represents an IL instruction.