This is the construction site of next major version of hpc-workspace++ tool.
DO NOT USE - it does not work - it is incomplete - it might even not compile - it might eat your dog
This is very rough and not ment for usage, and I will for the time being also not expect or accept contributions, until some things are settled.
Please use the discussion tab if you would like to share input.
The codebase got harder and scarier to maintain and needs a major cleanup and modernization.
Separation of configuration and database implementation from the client tools is the first goal.
Better testing is the second goal.
It is likely that all python tools will be replaced with C++ tools on the long run.
backwards compatibility will be maintained, might have some restrictions.
Functional extension is possible after this is achieved.
at the moment main development platform is
- Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS
- CMake 3.22.1
- gcc 11.4.0
future test platforms:
Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS
- CMake 3.22.1
- gcc 11.4.0
- clang 14.0.0
Ubuntu 23.4 LTS
- CMake 3.28.3
- gcc 13.3.0
- clang 18.1.3
Rocky Linux 8.10
- CMake 3.26.5
- gcc 8.5.0
Rocky Linux 9.4
- Cmake 3.26.5
- gcc 11.4.1
this list can be extended.
no intention to support old platforms like centos7, but it might work.
language level might evolve from c++17 to c++20 if there is reasons.
ws_list has a dependency to -fopenmp, can be removed from CMakeList.txt if not available.
source is fetched and build as part of this tool:
- {fmt}
- yaml-cpp
- rapidyaml
- Guidelines Support Library (GSL)
library taken from distribution
- boost program_options + boost system
- libcap (optional if capability support is wanted instead of setuid)
for testing:
- Catch2
- bats
- basically working implementation of config and DB reading for old format
- basically working implementation of ws_list in C++ (that was proof of concept for the separation of tool and config and DB implementation)
- basically working implementation of ws_find in C++
- bascially working implementation of ws_allocate
- move from single file ws.conf to multifile ws.d
- migrate config from yaml-cpp to ryaml and remove yaml-cpp dependency (on hold for the moment, uses both)
- move to compiletime+runtime detected capability/setuid/usermode switch (usermode is for testing mainly, does not elevate privileges)
- add more unit tests to existing code
- build/select a better test framework for the tools
- debug what is there
- migrate more tools: migrate ws_release, ws_restore, ws_expirer, ws_validate
- ws_list
- ws_allocate (testing ongoing)
- ws_release (stubb)
- ws_restore
- ws_find (testing ongoing)
- add tests for new tools
- debug what is there
- get CMake setup in better shape
- remove tbb dependency
- migrate and check/correct/add documentation, guides and man pages
- test with more compilers and distributions
- do real live tests
- define and implement new DB formart
- how to automate testing? VMs? container?
- missing features in current version?
stay tuned.
mkdir build-debug cd build-debug cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DBUILD_TESTS=1 .. make