MA_Intersection_Calculation is JetTrack's main algorithmus for real time object position calculation.
- Input-Data: Kafka Data Streams form the JetTrack - MA_DeepStream_Pipeline (running on each camera)
- Output-Data: Position of all objects in scene, which are detected by the deepstream pipeline
- Start KafkaBroker on local Network @ or wherever you want
- Start MA_DeepStream_Pipeline on JetsonNano Devices
- Adust to your CameraParameters in src/config.json
- Resolution of detection stream
- Translation vector of camera (eg. see OpenCV camera calibration)
- Rotation vector of camera (eg. see OpenCV camera calibration)
- intrinsicMatrix
- pathToCalibrationFile (for realtime use of camera calibration files - cam mode)
- distCoeefs (k1, k2, p1, p2,[,k3,[,k4,k5,k6]]) (eg. see OpenCV camera calibration )
- Run on localDevice (connected to CamNetwork or on JetsonDevice itself)
For running Realtime Object Positioning:
- source: local -> src/config.json, cams -> settings on cams webserver will be used
- method: aruco -> realign aruco marker to world coordinate system
$ python3 source method
- Add more calibrationModes for realingment of different CalibrationObjects