├── Data
│ ├── en_dup.csv
│ └── USC_Melady_Lab_hasDup.csv
├── Data Analysis
│ └── data_process.ipynb
├── Data Collecting
│ └── snopes.py
└── README.md
by Tianqi- It is used to collect data from website www.snopes.com and qc.wa.news.cn (departed)
is written on Jupyter Notebook.
- The number of records: 7179.
- Part of data are collected manually by keywords searching from sources such as twitter.com.
- Data from www.snopes.com and qc.wa.news.cn are collected by 'snopes.py'.
- The number of records: 35134 (with duplicates).
- Data come from usc-melady.github.io/COVID-19-Tweet-Analysis/misinfo.html, accessed in May.
- Reference: Sharma, Karishma, et al. "Coronavirus on social media: Analyzing misinformation in Twitter conversations." arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.12309 (2020).
- We thank Tianqi, Wenshuo, Jianni, Xiaofeng, and Hanlong for rumor data collection and labeling.