A base project of a blog-type web application.
- Spring Framework 5.3.x
- Spring Data JPA 2.7.x
- Hibernate 5.6.x
- jackson 2.13.0
- Apache Tiles 3.0.x
- Lombok 1.18.x
- Logback 1.2.x
- Java 11
- get Apache Maven.
- build this project by using command line.
> cd { path to this README.md directory. }
> mvn compile
> mvn install
- move to the directory of webapp.
> cd webapp
- run the web application by using jetty plugin.
> mvn jetty:run
- can access to http://localhost:8080/ on your web browser.
to stop the application hit ctrl + c
The expt is released under version 2.0 of the Apache License.