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Go Kratos Sample Project for ALLEN Digital

Sample code to demonstrate writing a grpc service in golang that stores data in mysql. Follows the code organization convention borrowed from ideas at, and

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Installing golang and related tools on macOSX

  • Install xcode Open Terminal and type the following command: xcode-select --install.
    • In the new dialog window, confirm you want to install the Xcode tools. Agree to a license agreement and wait for the installation process to complete. It might take a while.
  • Install homebrew on your macOSX.
    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  • Install golang, protobuf, grpc, mysql:
    brew install go protobuf grpc protoc-gen-go-grpc mysql vault
  • Configure MySQL on your local instance following the instructions as emitted on the console post brew installation.
  • Install MySQL Workbench if you like from:
  • Setup go home, path following instructions here:
    export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin
    export GOPATH=$(go env GOPATH)
  • The GO111MODULE should be enabled
    go env -w GO111MODULE=on
  • Edit: Additional guidance available at:

Install Kratos - the go web framework we use

go install

Create a service

# Create a template project
kratos new go-kratos-sample

cd go-kratos-sample
# Add a proto template
kratos proto add api/user/v1/user.proto
# Generate the proto code
kratos proto client api/user/v1/user.proto
# Generate the source code of service by proto file
kratos proto server api/user/v1/user.proto -t internal/service

go generate ./...
go build -o ./bin/ ./...
./bin/go-kratos-sample -conf ./configs


Follow the steps described here to configure the validation middleware in the framework and leverage the proto level validations:

Detailed list of available validations to configure can be read here:

Generate proto

protoc --proto_path=. \              
           --proto_path=./third_party \
           --go_out=paths=source_relative:. \
           --validate_out=paths=source_relative,lang=go:. \


httpSrv := http.NewServer(


grpcSrv := grpc.NewServer(


  • Installation go install
  • Add error to proto file
enum ErrorReason {
  // Set default error code.
  option (errors.default_code) = 500;
  // sample custom error code
  USER_NOT_FOUND = 0 [(errors.code) = 404];
  CONTENT_MISSING = 1 [(errors.code) = 400];
  USER_UNSPECIFIED = 2 [(errors.code) = 500];
  // sample video processing error
  VIDEO_PROCESSING_ERROR = 3 [(errors.code) = 500];
  • Generate proto using: make error or make all
  • Create error by using the the code that is generated by proto
    v1.ErrorUserNotFound("user not found for the userId : %s", "36546547")
  • Create error by using pre-defined set of standard errors provided in the error package present in types.go
    errors.BadRequest("FAILED_PRECONDITION", "Precondition failed")
  • Add metadata to error to add any extra information
    err := errors.BadRequest("USER_NAME_EMPTY", "user name is empty")
    err = err.WithMetadata(map[string]string{
    "foo": "bar",

For further info,

Register the newly created service

HTTP API is an http.Handler, which is generated by protoc-gen-go-http plugin, can be registered into HTTP Server. Edit internal/server/http.go file to register the new service.

import ""
import v1 "go-kratos-sample/api/user/v1"

user := &UserService{}
srv := http.NewServer(http.Address(":8000"))
v1.RegisterUserHTTPServer(srv, user)

gRPC API is a gRPC Register, which is generated by protoc-gen-go-grpc plugin, can be registered into GRPC Server. Edit internal/server/grpc.go file to register the new service.

import ""
import v1 "go-kratos-sample/api/user/v1"

user := &UserService{}
srv := grpc.NewServer(grpc.Address(":9000"))
v1.RegisterUserServer(srv, user)

Add code

Update the wiring

Add and return the new service instance in the provider set in internal/service/service.go

var ProviderSet = wire.NewSet(NewUserService)

Add the new data access repo(s) in the provider set in internal/data/data.go

var ProviderSet = wire.NewSet(NewData, NewUserRepo)

Add the new business logic provider(s) in biz in the provider set in internal/biz/biz.go

var ProviderSet = wire.NewSet(NewUserHandler)

Add the new data access logic in data in the provider set in internal/data/data.go

var ProviderSet = wire.NewSet(NewData, NewUserRepository)

Automated Initialization / Dependency Injection (wire)

After configuring the right set of providers as described in previous step, regenerate the dependency injection wiring using the steps below.

# install wire
go get

# generate/regenrate wire dependency injections
cd cmd/go-kratos-sample

The above command would update the internal/cmd/go-kratos-sample/wire_gen.go with the correct initialization of your newly added code.

Generate other auxiliary files by Makefile

# Download and update dependencies
make init
# Generate API files (include: pb.go, http, grpc, validate, swagger) by proto file
make api
# Generate all files
make all

To locally run and test your server

Run the server using the command

kratos run

Install grpcui and grpcurl using brew

brew install grpcurl grpcui

Start a browser based UI to test the grpc services using

grpcui -plaintext localhost:9000

You can test the new grpc server on browser using the interface.

You can also test the http version of the code on port 8000 using CURL command.


# build
docker build -t <your-docker-image-name> .

# run
docker run --rm -p 8000:8000 -p 9000:9000 -v </path/to/your/configs>:/data/conf <your-docker-image-name>

Integrate private repos

# add the exact path which will be used as an import statement in other repos to your go.mod file in your private repo, 
# ex. module

# run these commands in your importing repo
git config --global url."ssh://[email protected]".insteadOf ""
git config --list --show-origin
go env -w GOPRIVATE="<my_user>/<my_privaterepo>"
# ex. go env -w GOPRIVATE=""
go get <import path>
# ex. go get

# After version v1.0 of the imported repo, use the following command to get latest commits from a branch
go get -u

Circuit Breaker Integration

CB := circuitbreaker.NewCircuitBreaker("demo_circuit_breaker", 1, 
        30*time.Second, 30*time.Second, 0.6, 
        func(err error) bool {
			if errors.IsGatewayTimeout(err) {
				return false
			return true
		}, func() {}, func() {})
httpClient, _ := http.NewClient(context.Background(), 
err := httpClient.Invoke(ctx, hp.MethodGet, "localhost:8000/v1/ping",
		nil, http.EmptyCallOption{}, http.EmptyCallOption{})

Read more about -

Refer the Google AIP for designing APIs

Refer: These are pretty good standards to maintain consistency in our API design. Also, these can be referred to define the http interface for the protos we are declaring.

Other related reading material

That's all folks!


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